Leading Figures of the Civil War
Bell Ringer Describe the skills needed to be a principal. What skills are needed for doing the job well? List at least three skills or qualities necessary to do the job of a principal.
Abraham Lincoln Hardin County, Kentucky “Honest Abe” Self-educated lawyer One-term Congressman 16th President of the United States Assassinated in 1865
Robert E. Lee Westmoreland County, Virginia “Marble Man” Graduated from West Point in 1829 Confederate General Led the Army of Northern Virginia Originally opposed the South’s secession
Jefferson Davis Fairview, Kentucky “Gamecock of the South” Graduated from West Point in 1828 Former US Senator from Mississippi Elected President of the Confederate States of America in 1861
Winfield Scott Columbus, Ohio “Old Fuss & Feathers” Attended William & Mary to study law Fought in the War of 1812, Black Hawk War, Mexican-American War First General-in-Chief of Union Army
Irvin McDowell Columbus, Ohio No cool nicknames … Graduated from West Point in 1838 Fought in the Mexican- American War
George McClellan Philadelphia, PA “Young Napoleon” Graduated from West Point in 1842 Served under Scott during the Mexican- American War General-in-Chief of Union Army in 1861
Henry Halleck Westernville, NY “Old Brains” Graduated from West Point in 1839 Union General in the Western Theater Chosen by Lincoln in 1862 to become General-in-Chief
Ulysses S. Grant Point Pleasant, Ohio “Sam” Graduated from West Point in 1843 Fought in the Mexican-American War Became General-in- Chief in March 1864
Quick Write List the four General-in-Chiefs of the Union Army in chronological order.