Week 3 (June 5 – June 9, 2017) Accomplishments: Plans for next week: Project 8: Internet of Hospital Things (IoHT): Communicating to Facilitate Healing REU Student: Brandon Alex Belna Graduate mentors: Myungho Lee, Kangsoo Kim, and Ryan Schubert Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Welch and Dr. Bruder Week 3 (June 5 – June 9, 2017) Accomplishments: Began to more in depth HoloLens development through HoloToolKit Learned how to capture gestures on specific objects in the AR world, allowing for AR interaction Began to read the technical documentation for Bluetooth communication through HoloLens Identified which Bluetooth shield for the Arduino will (most likely!) work with the HoloLens according to technical docs Plans for next week: Get Bluetooth shield purchased Continue working on HoloLens AR interface (Hopefully) Begin work on HoloLens/Arduino communication NSF REU Research Experience on Internet of Things 2017