2012 CSU High School Counselor Conference On behalf of Chancellor Charles Reed and the entire California State University, welcome. Thank you to the host campus and all the staff which make this important event happen. Appreciation for the important role played by everyone in the college going process. Close to 5,000 counselors and educators participate each year. Message evolving from “going to college” to “preparing for college and beyond” 2012 CSU High School Counselor Conference Nathan Evans Director of Enrollment Management Services CSU Office of the Chancellor
CSU Updates Positive Numbers 98,000 new undergraduates enrolled in fall 2011 96,000 degrees awarded in 2011-2012 Nearly 70% of all CSU students receive some form of financial assistance; over $3.1 Billion in financial aid was distributed to CSU students Leadership Transitions Since we last met… Over 700,000 applications for admission submitted Campuses keenly focusing on graduation with authentic access – admitting and enrolling the amount of students for whom we have resources In spite of continued cuts to support from the State of California and subsequent fee increases, CSU still among the most affordable instructions in the nation. Despite a higher cost of living within CA, remains in the middle of comparable 4-year public institutions in terms of tuition. More than 60% of students receive some type of financial aid. 1/3 of revenue from tuition becomes financial aid support for students.
The Last 3 Fall Freshmen Admissions Cycles CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ONLY APPLICANTS (UNDUPLICATED) OFFERS OF ADMISSION ADMIT RATE ENROLLMENT YIELD RATE Fall 2010 154,286 109,336 70.9% 47,897 43.9% Fall 2011 154,204 115,708 75.0% 54,548 47.1% Fall 2012 166,560* 123,683* 76.1% Continued increases in applications from first time freshmen Nearly 453,000 applications submitted by FTF (3 campuses per applicant) In fall 2009, 2010, and 2011, the CSU only 3% of new FTF enrolled were nonresidents (domestic or international) *Reflects actions through August 2012.
Impact of the Budget State support for the CSU has been cut by almost $1 billion or 35% over the past 18 months. State resources are now equal to the 1996-1997 fiscal year; CSU enrolls 90,000 more students. For every $1 California invests in the CSU, the CSU returns $5.43. Resources and enrollment capacity highly dependent on outcomes of November election. $750M cut for 2011-12 in final CA budget. Student tuition increases covers over only half of the cuts.
Impact on Student Enrollment The CSU will continue to focus on authentic access for students Enrollment management approaches and strategies vary by campus Enrollment capacity and opportunities for new students will be impacted by the Proposition 30 on the November ballot Authentic access = campuses/system admitting and enrolling the number of students for which we are funded; contrast to early 1990’s. Campuses are using new approaches to registration, investing in academic advisement tools and taking comprehensive looks at academic offerings and resources. The California State University is a 23 university system as opposed to one university with multiple campuses. Campuses respond differently depending on regional factors, enrollment capacity, student behavior and local mission. Earlier this month, the CSU Board of Trustees approved a series of strategies directly tied to the outcome of Proposition 30. I encourage you to learn more about this proposition.
Admissions & Impaction Major/Program Impaction Most campuses have at least one impacted major/program Campus Impaction (3 categories): Admit using CSU eligibility Campus impaction (freshman/transfer) Impacted in all programs (all majors) Nursing is impacted at each campus offering; however there are multiple routes to a BSN degree 1/3 of CSU campuses are admitting solely based on admissions eligibility Campuses demonstrate annual need for impaction based on applications from CSU-eligible students and enrollment capacity.
Early Start Program Over 18,000 new freshmen participated in summer 2012 Emphasizes the importance for students to begin first year prepared for college-level work Ability of students to complete the requirement online or in a traditional classroom Students who are not college ready must begin remediation in English and/or mathematics in summer preceding fall term Encourage students who need to take ELM or EPT exams to do so early After students commit to a campus (May 1st) they will receive specific information on ways to complete Early Start Preparation to Graduation workshop will provide additional details on ESP
Resources for Counselors How to Get to College www.calstate.edu/college Complements posters English & Spanish versions Student testimonials Student Academic Services www.calstate.edu/sas Student Academic Support site provides multiple resources on its website How to Get to College will launch a new site and poster in late October
Resources for Counselors CSU Degrees degrees.calstate.edu Search for any degree or majors offered in the CSU CSU Mentor www.csumentor.edu Availability of application fee waiver for students meeting criteria for Non-resident Tuition Exemption CSU Degrees allows the user to search for any degree or major within the CSU. Search feature linked to calstate.edu and CSU Mentor. Limited changes in CSU Mentor for 2013-14. Important change in concert with implementation of CA Dream Act – waiver available to students meeting criteria for AB540 Nonresident Tuition Exemption
The California State University www.calstate.edu Enjoy your day!