Institutional Researchers as Trainers, Coaches, and Educators TAIR Conference Houston, TX | February 28, 2017 Gina Johnson, PhD | Association for Institutional Research Kara Larkan-Skinner, EdD | Our Lady of the Lake University Jessica Shedd, MA | University of Texas System
Presentation Outline Brief overview of AIR’s Duties & Functions of Institutional Research Why institutional researchers as trainers, coaches, and educators? Practical examples from the field: Our Lady of the Lake University University of Texas System University of California – Merced and University of Denver Discussion
AIR’s Duties & Functions of IR Identify information needs Collect, analyze, interpret, and report data and information Plan and evaluate Serve as stewards of data and information Educate information producers, users, and consumers
Educate information producers, users, and consumers This functional area encompasses the training and coaching related to the use of data, analysis, and information to inform decision making. Education can be focused on ensuring the ability to collect, access, analyze, and interpret information independently and in collaboration with other stakeholders. The function also includes a collaborative role in convening discussions related to information needs and connecting internal and external producers and users of data with one another for purposes of informing decision making. Scholarship to inform and improve data, information, and analysis for decision support is also included in this function. Note – education is broad term; some of our examples will show education of stakeholders around data and information; some will show specific, intentional training or coaching of an individual or group.
Why should IR train, coach, & educate? The field of IR is evolving and it is more important than ever to define the duties and functions of IR Data and information are more accessible and one of IR’s roles is to help people understand these data and information A more educated constituency can ensure more and higher quality institutional research is conducted
Examples from the Field
Our Lady of the Lake University Training for users on Dashboards Training for Enrollment Management Staff on how to analyze and use data independent of IR Collaborative, Cross-functional teams IR staff attend non-IR conferences and later lead campus conversations about data collection and application (AACRAO/NACUBO) Facilitate survey design and development and provide analysis and feedback on how to distribute results
The University of Texas System
Stakeholder & Consumer Tools Dashboard Group Trainings Individual real-time training Site revamp in late 2015 Tool for students and families UT System Institution campus visits SAC & campus ‘Student Champions’ Ads & HS Counselor materials Variety of conference presentations
IR Capacity & System as a Resource Predictive Analytics: Admits and Matriculation Work closely with Financial Aid and IR Offices to build predictive model Data Request System Reduce reporting burden Building a searchable database
Anticipating Future Questions & Concerns THECB’s 60x30 Strategic Plan Legislative Session Related Requests ‘Quantum Leaps’ and Cross-Departmental Teams
University of California - Merced Centralized IR Formal Training Informal Training More structured environment – new campus so IR was centralized At UCM it was about educating the campus about IR and what it can do Offered formal training options Right place, right time for informal (meant lots of places lots of time) – including biking back to campus for meetings once we were moved off
IR Training, Coaching, and Educating Examples Formal Student Affairs – New Student Survey Individual unit specialized presentations Informal IR representation - volunteer Real-time educating on data and analytics Formal training and coaching: Advertise self/team as coach/trainer Reached out to Student Affairs to present survey data at their annual retreat Led to individual units requesting specialized presentations and training: dining, housing (RAs), student HEROES (health educators) Informal training and coaching: presence on committees and working groups Said yes to represent IR on many groups Offers opportunity for real-time coaching and training; educating on data and analytic approaches as groups are discussing them
“You don’t climb mountains without a team, you don’t climb mountains without being fit, you don’t climb mountains without being prepared and you don’t climb mountains without balancing the risks and rewards. And you never climb a mountain on accident – it has to be intentional.” Mark Udall Focus of IR at DU for the past few years has been intentionality (and we have some mountains to climb!)
Building a Culture of Measurement at DU Decentralized – about relationships Board of Trustees report called for “Culture of Measurement” IR, IT, Strategic Planning created Information, Measurement, & Analysis Council Provided training for IMA professionals Train the trainer allowed them to train units DU – decentralized IR to some extent; unstructured environment (it was about developing relationships) Explain IMAC Training aspect (software training; access training – IPEDS) Train the trainer – how can data and info specialists go back to units and train Data systems (like dashboards/online factbooks) demand training for users Moving to model of IT training on software in partnership with IR training on data and information (example of cognos training – no idea what data point you need, but here’s how to access it) Personal coaching for leadership on new systems Pause and acknowledge intentional work – we are building a culture of measurement together. (Concept carried over to inclusivity and sustainability)
Discussion Questions for discussion: What are ways you are incorporating training, coaching, and education in your setting? What skills and training are needed for IR professionals to accomplish this duty/function?
Contact Us Gina Johnson Strategy Director for IR Capacity Initiatives, AIR Email: Twitter: @GinaJohnsonIR Kara Larkan-Skinner AVP, Institutional Effectiveness & Accreditation, OLLU Email: Jessica Shedd Assistant Director for Strategic Initiatives, UT System Email: