Ministry Of Education Malaysia Curriculum Development Division Education For All Goal 1 Ministry Of Education Malaysia Curriculum Development Division 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting Goal Statement Expanding and Improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
The History of ECCE in Malaysia ECCE in Malaysia existed before the 1960’s ECCE in Malaysia is broadly divided into two main groups, which are the 0-4 years old (childcare center) and the 4-6 years old (Preschool). Ministry of Women Family and Community Development is the coordinator for national programs on the growth and development of children,as well as the chlidcare center. Early childhood education for the 4-6 years old group falls under the responsibilities of three Ministries- Ministry of Education, Ministry of Rural and Regional Development and Department of National Integration and Unity. (under the care of Prime Minister Department) National Key Result Areas (NKRA) and National Key Economy Areas (NKEA) launched by the government within the last one year both have among its other focuses plans and strategies to further provide accessibility for affordable and quality ECCE to all children of Malaysia regardless of their background or abilities. 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
Examples of Policies,Law and Legislations Child Act 2001 (Act 611) Childcare Centers Act 1984 and Childcare Centers Act 2007 Education Act 1996 The National Education Policy The 10th Malaysia Plan – Education Development Master Plan, 2006-2010 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting Indicator Indicators related to preschool education as below : Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) Percentage of new entrants with ECCE experience to Primary One Enrolment in private ECCE centers Percentage of trained ECCE teachers Teacher Student Ratio 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
GER : Gross Enrolment Rate Malaysia started with 92 % in Gross Enrolment Rate(GER) for 4-6 years old stands at 72.04% in 2010 and is expected to reach 87% in 2012 under the NKRA’s initiatives and 92% by 2015. Net Enrolment Rate and Percentage of new entrants to Primary One with ECCE experience, Rate of support for early learning in the context of preschool education will automatically increase with GER. 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting Percentage of new entrants to Primary One with ECCE experience 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
Enrolment in private ECCE centers In the last decade, enrolment of children in private preschools decreases when more public preschools are built. Under the NKRA and NKEA initiatives, besides expanding government preschools, the government is also providing incentives and convenience for private sectors to be involved in the expansion of the preschools. % Enrolled in Private Centers 2000 60.35% 2001 69.98% 2002 67.11% 2003 42.90% 2004 45.68% 2005 31.20% 2006 45.03% 2007 48.55% 2008 46.20% 2009 41.49% 2010 45.70% (Source: MOE, 2010) 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting Percentage of trained ECCE teachers Ministry of Education(MOE) preschools teachers are all trained with diploma, bachelor degree or even master degree KEMAS and PERPADUAN send their teachers to the Teacher Training Institutes, MOE to be trained in ECCE diploma or degree courses. Private preschools do not have many trained and certified teachers, however they have at least a day of training. Thus under UNESCO definition, they are trained. 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting Issues and Strategies Issue 1: 1. Accessibility to preschool education for the special need, indigenous, urban poor, undocumented and isolated island children 2. More girls participate in ECCE 3. Some preschool teachers are not fully trained Strategy 1. Specific program need to be planned for these children 2. Teaching and learning activities need to be designed to attract boys 3. Under NKRA,MOE is conducting in service courses for these teachers 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
Childcare for 0-4 years old Indicators related to childcare and education for the 0-4 years old are as below: Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) very low Enrolment in private ECCE centers 3. Rate of Support for Early Learning Percentage of trained ECCE teachers Teacher Student Ratio 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) very low Gross Enrolment Rate(GER) for 0-4 years old in 2005 is only 1.82%. In 2010, GER remained low with many unregistered childcare centers. Ministry of Woman, Family and Community Development who is the caretaker of the Childcare Center Act have various on-going projects for expansion of childcare centers, among them are the establishment of Home-based Childcare Center, Community Childcare Center, Institution Childcare Center, Workplace Childcare Center. 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting Enrolment in private ECCE centers Majority of Childcare centers are operated by the private sectors. Under the NKEA initiative, the government will assist private sectors in the expansion of childcare centers. Almost all ECCE centers for the 0-4 years old are privately run. 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting Trained teachers and carers All childcare providers and childcare minders need to attend a 17 days basic course.(KAAK) Under Permata program, childcare centers using the Permata curriculum will also be requested to attend training provided by Permata. 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting Teacher student ratio Teacher-children ratio has been fixed by the Ministry of Woman, Family and Community Development through the Childcare Act and regulations. All providers need to adhere to the ratio provided. 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting Issues and Strategies Issues: Insufficient disaggregated and accurate data Coordination among various sectors Many unregistered childcare centers Strategies A mechanism of coordination (e.g. MOE, KEMAS, JPNIN, private, NGOs)need to be established to obtain adequate and accurate disaggregated data as well as for the purpose of monitoring, evaluation and assessment. Advocacy campaign and publicity drive to encourage more childcare centers to be registered 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting
11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting Thank you 11th Regional EFA Coordinators' Meeting