Direct a drama performance, with guidance Level 3 Unit Standard 16435 Verson:2 Credits 6
Achievement Summary You will be expected to; prepare the concept of a performance presentation; Plan and direct rehearsals for performance presentation; direct for performance presentation.
Shelia Winn Shakepeare- Directors Your task will be based on directing a piece of Shakespeare for the Shelia Winn Shakespeare competition. You will be given a small group of actors who will present a performance of the prescribed script of no more than 15 minutes in length that includes movement, use of space and use of voice to demonstrate a clear understanding of the use of drama techniques. These 15 minute scenes will be combined into a full length performance to be performed as a class production. You will be responsible for the concept and directing of the piece under the guidance of the teacher. The assessment will focus on your ability to plan effectively, prepare the concept of a performance presentation and direct for performance presentation. You will need to provide written evidence to support your choices, planning and evaluation of the performance.
The Director A theatre director oversees and orchestrates the mounting of a theatre production (a play, an opera, a musical or a devised piece of work). The director's function is to ensure the quality and completeness of theatre production, and to lead the creative team into realizing his or her artistic vision for it. The director therefore collaborates with a team of creative individuals and other staff, coordinating research, stagecraft, costume design, props, lighting design, acting, set design and sound design for the production. In contemporary theatre, the director is generally the primary visionary, making decisions on the artistic concept and interpretation of the text and its staging. Different directors occupy different places of authority and responsibility, depending on the structure and philosophy of individual theatre companies. Directors utilize a wide variety of techniques, philosophies, and levels of collaboration.
Task 1 Preparation As a class we will explore various drama techniques and how they may used. We will also look at various ways of presenting Shakespeare and the nature of Shakespearian text. The teacher will explain and discuss the selected scenes based on the theme Crimes and Misdemeanours. You will be given an opportunity to direct a scene. Discuss with your teacher the overall framework of the production and how your scene will fit into this framework. Record this framework in your portfolio.
Overall Framework Scene Plot Title Action/Theme Transitions between scenes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Scene – Themes and ideas (Provides evidence for Task 1) After reading through the scene – research how this scene fits into the whole play and what are the central themes or ideas being dealt with. This should help you think of some ideas for a concept for the production. Brainstorm some of the key concepts in the scene and create a visual collage to help extend your ideas. Write a short (500w) description of your concept to present to your design team. Ensure that everyone has a copy of your final production brief so that you are all working on the same idea.
Scene – Themes and ideas (Provides evidence for Task 1) Title of Play/Scene Characters Action- what happens What happens before and after this in the play. Central ideas/themes
Final Stage Production Brief Scene Selected Characters Action of the scene Central Themes or Ideas Concept for production
Task 2 Rehearsal (Provides evidence for Task 2) Plan a rehearsal schedule that includes; Production meetings Actor deadlines and responsibilities– for books down Guidelines for rehearsal Clear goals for each rehearsal Costume fittings Technical and dress rehearsal Performances Make notes on your wiki page that detail the following; How will you organise each rehearsal? What are your expectations of the actors and technical crew? What will you do if they fail to meet these expectations? How will you give feedback to the performers/crew E.g. Written or oral?
Rehearsal Schedule (Provides evidence for Task2) Date Section Cast Required
Reflection (Provides evidence for Task 3) The Director Reflects Write a reflection of no more than 1000 words which details how sucessful your production was in terms of; The concept that you chose to use and how it did/did not help to communicate the themes/ideas in the text. The rehearsal process. What worked well and what would you change for next time. The final performance. What features of the performance stood out, how did the technical elements support the production and what changes if any would you now make?
Achievement Task El Evidence (The answers or performance expected from the student) Judgement (A statement that defines the standard to be achieved) Ach / Not Ach 1 Prepare the concept of a performance presentation. Student has thoroughly studied the text, developed a concept and presented it to the production team in a written form. 1.1 Preparation gives evidence of text research suited to the development of intended performance concept. .1.2 Interpretation of content and characters of performance piece is identified to assist concept decisions. . 1.3 Presentation concept is communicated to design team and is credible. 1.4 Intended performance concept is documented from process to presentation. 2 Direct rehearsals for performance presentation. At least two rehearsals. Student has directed at least two rehearsals, completed a rehearsal schedule and set clear guidelines for rehearsal. 2.1 Rehearsals show evidence of effective planning. Range: rehearsal schedule, directing responsibilities, guidelines for actors, ensemble objectives.
Achievement 2.2 Rehearsals show evidence of effective direction. Range: evidence of ability to - facilitate warm-up activities, sustain performance concept, facilitate goal setting for individual actors and ensemble, communicate with actors, block scenes, ensure completion. 3 Direct for performance presentation. Student has directed the performance sucessfully, including co-ordinating the production team, managed any difficulties that arose and reflected on the performance and their role as director. 3.1 Direction ensures that the performance is ready for presentation. Range: coordination of material and human resources 3.2 Direction shows ability to plan for, and, if need be, manage contingencies. Range: examples may include but are not limited to - lighting failure, illness. 3.3 Performance is evaluated from director's perspective. Range: concept, rehearsal process, presentation.
Use of drama techniques Prior to the start of our rehearsals of the Shakespeare pieces we will do a series of classes on each specific drama techniques. This will ensure that both actors and directors are confident in using drama techniques effectively.