Er, screenplay, actually. Let’s write a script! Er, screenplay, actually.
Assign roles for the following characters: Witch 1 Witch 2 Witch 3 Duncan Captian Malcom Lennox/Ross Stage Directions Read the LEFT side of the script aloud TWO times. --Use voices, emotion and sound effects. --If there’s any part you don’t understand, read the explanations on the right hand side. --Take notes on the script to help you understand.
What famous actors might you cast to play these roles? Discuss. Answer the following questions with your group: What is the mood of these scenes? How are scenes i and iii different in mood than scene ii? Where do you think these scenes should be set? Describe the places in detail. Discuss several options. What famous actors might you cast to play these roles? Discuss. What is the difference between a script and a screenplay?
Before I began scripting, I decided the following: I will use the original Shakespearean wording, not modernizations of it. I will set the play in the 1600’s, Renaissance Scotland, as Shakespeare did. I will film in high quality black and white. All of these contribute to the feel of an old, Renaissance setting. My targeted audience is the 30+ intellectual crowd (people who will go to see Shakespeare for fun!) My rating will be R.
All caps, tells setting and time of day Page #: upper right 1 EXT: AN ENGLISH HEATH, FOGGY MORNING EXT = Exterior (outside) INT = Interior (inside) Slug Line: All caps, tells setting and time of day BTW: For screenplays, use ONLY Courier font, size 12. Avoid Courier New if possible (it’s bigger and takes more space).
Action: describes characters and scene, action needed before dialogue. 1 EXT: AN ENGLISH HEATH, FOGGY MORNING Three witches appear, seemingly from no where, in the center of the screen. They surround a large cauldron. They are grey, old and creepy. There are a few tufts of lifeless plants, but no other indicators of location or life. Lightning and thunder occur periodically throughout scene. Action: describes characters and scene, action needed before dialogue. Lines up with slug line
Character name: Center of page, in all caps. EXT: AN ENGLISH HEATH, FOGGY MORNING Three witches appear, seemingly from no where, in the center of the screen. They surround a large cauldron. They are grey, old and creepy. There are a few tufts of lifeless plants, but no other indicators of location or life. Lightning and thunder occur periodically throughout scene. 1 Character name: Center of page, in all caps. FIRST WITCH: When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? Character dialogue: indented 3 tabs, regular letters
EXT: AN ENGLISH HEATH, FOGGY MORNING 1 EXT: AN ENGLISH HEATH, FOGGY MORNING Three witches appear, seemingly from no where, in the center of the screen. They surround a large cauldron. They are grey, old and creepy. There are a few tufts of lifeless plants, but no other indicators of location or life. Lightning and thunder occur periodically throughout scene. Center 3 tabs 4 tabs Left margin FIRST WITCH: When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? Actor directions in parenthesis as needed, no italics SECOND WITCH: (wringing her hands, sticking tongue out) When the hurlyburly’s done, When the battle’s lost and won. Sounds of battle become evident, cries of injured men, clashing of swords. Witches look toward sound, and then back toward each other. Scene descriptions for crews start at left margin.
EXT: AN ENGLISH HEATH, FOGGY MORNING Three witches appear, seemingly from no where, in the center of the screen. They surround a large cauldron. They are grey, old and creepy. There are a few tufts of lifeless plants, but no other indicators of location or life. Lightning and thunder occur periodically throughout scene. FIRST WITCH: When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? SECOND WITCH: (wringing her hands, sticking tongue out) When the hurlyburly’s done, When the battle’s lost and won. Sounds of battle become evident, cries of injured men, clashing of swords. Witches look toward sound, and then back toward each other. THIRD WITCH: That will be ere the set of sun.
THREE SHOT CU: WITCHES’ FACES FIRST WITCH: Where the place? SECOND WITCH: Upon the heath. THIRD WITCH: There to meet with THREE SHOT CU: WITCHES’ FACES Camera shots, abbreviated, in caps, start at left margin ALL: Macbeth!!! Witches cackle. Increase thunder sounds, add in sound of cat, owl, toad and wind. Finish with clear sound of cat calling. Meouw! CUT TO FS WITH CAT AT FIRST WITCH’S FEET. CUT to FS of FIRST WITCH and CAT only. Scene description again: directions for sound. FIRST WITCH: (picking up cat) Camera shot, too. In all caps. I come, Graymalkin.
Transition (cut) descriptions go on the right margin. Sound of toad croaking. Second witch turns toward sound. THREE SHOT, MEDIUM. SECOND WITCH: Paddock calls. (turns SL to exit) THIRD WITCH: (turning SL to follow) Anon! ALL: (as they shuffle slowly to exit) Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air. Witches cackle. SLOW PAN LEFT. DISSOLVE. Transition (cut) descriptions go on the right margin.
Your turn! With a partner, you will type the screenplay for Act I, scene ii of Macbeth. Copy and paste the original Shakespeare wording from an online source. Format your page exactly as directed. You can look online for more examples, too, but be forewarned that there are differences in what advice different websites give.
Answer these questions before you begin writing your screenplay: What mood will be created in this scene? What setting (time and place) will you use for this scene? What rating will you need for this scene and why? What is the ONE moment/line or image that is most important in this scene and why? How will you convey that in your screenplay? Once you’ve decided on the above, write a screenplay for Act I, scene ii of Macbeth. Hint: Copy and paste the original Shakespeare words rather than typing them out yourself! Follow the format explicitly. Use your notes to help you and set up your tabs carefully! Be sure that at some point you give instructions to: directors, actors, lighting, sound, costuming/props, film, and post-production crews. Hand in your answers and screenplay ON PAPER on MONDAY 1/23. (one per group is fine)