? Use of Sport premium/Pupil Premium funding OFSTED Ready (Year 2) What we have achieved What we plan to do next year Observations of lessons and feedback PE training at Staff meetings Exemplar lessons delivered Planning meetings with PLT’s ‘Evidencing the Impact of Sport Premium’ document completed for your school website Designed assessment to support Real PE delivery Completion of Your School Games Mark award (PLT completed as group) Continue support with curriculum development Support the assessment of PE Move teachers towards outstanding Engage learners through Sport/Physical activity by identifying individuals to form ‘target groups’ Low physical Activity levels/Low self esteem Underachieving boys ? Use of Sport premium/Pupil Premium funding
Performance Pathways What we have achieved What we plan to do next year Fulfilled planned calendar of events across Key Stage 1 & 2 Increased opportunities for Schools to enter A&B teams enabling schools to access ‘Silver/Gold Kitemark Status’ Additional events Year 3&4 Sports Hall Athletics at Penryn College Year 3&4 Quad kids Athletics event at Carn Brea track Encourage Schools and prioritise places for schools to enter ‘B’ teams, thus increasing competitive opportunities. Increase opportunities for young people with SEND to take part in competitive sporting activity
Participation Pathways What have we achieved: What we plan to do next year Saracens Basketball Academy – 40 pupils attending trials, 14 selected for HQ coaching. Previous group now competing in SW League and two selected for SW Rep squad. Penryn Football Development Centre – 70 pupils attending trials, 45 selected for HQ coaching Extended Primary clubs operating from Penryn (Gym/Cheerleading/Badminton) Saturday Morning Programme Badminton/Football/Tennis/Drama/Gymnastics New ‘Street Dance’ Programme started Jun 2015 Full holiday programme during every holiday period with inclusive programme and advertised across Partnership schools. Huge participation this year and Summer 2015 offer extremely large and diverse Junior Hockey Club established from Quick Sticks League with Falmouth Hockey Club Termly statistics obtained on SOS and Holiday Activities of school participation. Primary Rugby to be part of SOS programme from Sept 2016 Participation Primary clubs for Basketball/Netball Y5/6 Athletics G&T cohort to be identified and offered ‘Sports Academy’ training OAA Primary activities climbing/archery (TBC)
CPD What we have achieved What we plan to do next year 1 day PE Conference @ Penryn College Youth Sport Trust subject co-ordinator training (3 day) PLT meetings scheduled within school day (termly) Staff training at Primary Schools (twilight session). Playleader Award training Youth Sport trust –’Sporting Promise’ KS2 training Change4Life training day PE Training to enable TA’s to effectively support teacher Continue support with curriculum development in individual schools. Primary PE co-ordinators to attend Youth Sport trust Conference?
Further ideas? Primary PE co-ordinators meeting Wednesday 8th July. Training needs of staff in your schools? Great opportunity to pass these on and discuss at the meeting