Sit with your small group!
Welcome & Opening Prayer
His Story. Our Story.
His Story. Our Story. On your notecard, write: Name Birthday Family members 3 favorite hobbies/activities 3-5 “big” events in your life
Turn to page “ix” in The Story Upper Story = God’s redeeming story of love throughout all time and space pointing to Jesus. Lower Story = Stories of people impacted by God’s love (aka Adam, Moses, Esther, You, & the whole world!).
Flip Feature & Timeline (Preface)
Memory Work 1. Small Group Leaders stand in the hallway. 2 Memory Work 1. Small Group Leaders stand in the hallway. 2. Take turns reciting the memory work to your leader. *You get 2 chances per Tuesday!
On your worksheet… Under “See the Story,” create a simple image or symbol that you think best represents Chapter 1.
This Week’s Memory Work: Genesis 1:1-2
Next Week’s Memory Work: Genesis 22:17-18
This week’s video: Creation
Peter’s Chapter Notes Who was there in the beginning? (pg. 1) Who is God talking to when he says, “Let us make mankind in our image…”? Jesus & the Holy Spirit First mention of Jesus in the Bible Trinity = God the Father & God the Son & God the Holy Spirit = 3 persons in 1 Draw a triangle above the word “us” on the bottom of pg. 2
Peter’s Chapter Notes What makes humans different from the rest of God’s creation? We were made in God’s image. We reflect God’s holiness, creativity, righteousness, and we subdue creation Serpent = Satan First sin: people wanted to be like God Breaks the First Commandment: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” Draw a squiggly line under a sinful action in “The Story”
Peter’s Chapter Notes Sin is any thought, word, or action that does not meet God’s standards (like 10 Commandments) Underline God’s promises in “The Story” Top of pg. 6 – “he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Jesus will crush Satan’s head First “Messianic Promise”
Peter’s Chapter Notes Why did God flood the earth? The world became “corrupt” Who did God save from the flood? Noah & his wife and their 3 sons & wives Covenant = an unbreakable promise between two parties What was God’s covenant on pg. 11? “Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.” Sign = rainbow
With a partner… Answer the two questions under “Hear the Story.”
What were the key events from chapter 1?
What was the most meaningful to you from this story?
On your worksheet… Under “Join The Story,” answer one of the questions.
Small Group Time Leaders: - Ask the 8 discussion questions in your guide. - Write down prayer requests on yellow slip of paper. - Choose one confirmand to pray later.
For Next Tuesday: Read Chapter 2 of The Story! Memorize Gen. 22:17-18
Jr. FLY Fall Retreat permission form & fee are due this Sunday! Retreat Info: Meet at Faith – 5:30pm on Fri., Sept. 30 High ropes, games, devotions! Arrive back – 9:30am on Sun., Oct. 2
Sunday Morning Jr. FLY 9:45-10:40am Room 204 Sunday Night FLY REMIX You choose the lesson & game! 7-8:45pm this Sunday
SNFLY Remix Options! The lesson options are: "Speaking Louder Than Before" (How loud is your faith in Jesus?) "Fireflies" (Is stress stressing you out?!) "Your Love is Better than Life" (What are the questions you have for God?) "I'm Not Alright" (We all have insecurities in our lives...) The game options are: “ALIENS!” (They have landed...) “Sardines” (A hide & seek game...) “Body Body!” (Mysterious game in the dark...) “Pictionary Relay” (Drawing, yelling, and running oh my!)
Closing Prayers