Visions December 4, 2016 2nd Sunday of Advent
Cover: Treats for the winners In silence, by yourself, see how many songs you can identify How many can your identify in one minute? You now have 30 seconds to walk around the room to see if you can have a complete list. Go Tell it On The Mountain The First Noel We three Kings Silent Night Joy To The World Away in The Manger Silver Bells 6th period done 12/6
Gospel: page 4 What Liturgical Cycle are we in? Who is the Evangelist of this cycle? 7 readers: Narrator 1, 2, 3, and 4, John 1, 2 and Isaiah 4th period finished reading Hope is the power to trust in God and God’s promised above all else Talk Questions Turn away from sin and toward a positive way of thinking and acting, the kingdom of heaven is near and the people must prepare by turning toward God Being a Jew, one of God’s chosen people, does not guarantee salvation People must prove their sincere change of heart by following God’s laws, especially by living just and loving lives One greater than him, who will baptize with the Spirit 4th and 6th period done 12/7
“Isaiah, Prophet of God’s Promise” p.5 Read together DONE 12/7 4TH PERIOD Groups work: 15 minutes Read Isaiah 7:14 and Isaiah 11:1-2 answer the questions on page 5 If not finished in class then for homework (Bible is on the class page) 4TH PERIOD DONE 12/7 Messiah will be a “prince of peace”
What the Church Believes and Teaches (WTCBT) page 63 Homework Define virtue The habit of doing good and wanting to do good. What are the theological virtues? Are faith, hope and charity Given to us by God to help us know and love Him and grow closer to Him What are the moral virtues? Are acquired through human effort aided by God’s grace Prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance, also called cardinal or pivotal
Homework: Tuesday 12/6 What the Church Believes and Teaches (WTCBT) page 7 Aim: What are the four covenant of Salvation in the Old Testament? Adam & Eve their descendants would have another opportunity for salvation Noah - world would never again be destroyed by water = rainbow Abraham – Father of his people (three nations) Jews, Christians, and Moslems Moses – keep the Ten Commandments and God would be their God and watch over them Davis – to establish his royal household forever How was the Old Testaments convent fulfilled? Jesus by his death and resurrection has gain us salvation