Service Operations Management: The total experience Chapter Four Leadership and Teams in Service Operations Management
Field Marshall Montgomery identified leadership as needing: two-way trust teamwork atmosphere clear communication material back-up confidence insistence on performance humanity controlled aggression that is never content with anything short of victory
Position power can originate from the following: Legitimate power Power derived from a person’s position or job (managerial hierarchy) in an organization. Reward power Power based on the capacity to provide valued rewards to others People who can award others with more money, promotions, compliments or enriched jobs Coercive power Power based on the ability to discipline others A manager may threaten to withhold a pay raise or a transfer, demote or even recommend the firing of a subordinate who does not act as desired Personal power can derive from: Expert power Power that stems from special knowledge of or skill in the tasks performed by employees. A specialist IT engineer is looked up to for advice, more than the actual manager Referent power Power that result from characteristics that command employee’s identification, respect and admiration, so that they wish to emulate the leader
Fig 4.1. The leadership grid
Fig 4.2. Hersey and Blanchard’s situational theory
Emotional Intelligence There are five components of emotional intelligence: self-awareness self-regulation motivation empathy social skill
The emotional intelligence dimensions and components typically include: Oneself knowing one’s own emotions managing one’s own emotions motivating oneself Others recognizing emotions in others handling relationships with others Components self-awareness: being mindful of one's moods, emotions and drives. self-regulation: the ability to think before acting and control negative impulses and moods. Empathy: Being able to put oneself in another's shoes. social skill: the ability to build and manage relationships and influence others. motivation: drive that is internally generated rather than resting on external rewards or financial compensation.
Leadership models and styles Trait theory Behavioural theory Situational theory Contingency theory Charismatic leadership Transformational Transactional Leadership Values-based leadership Authentic Leadership Servant Leadership Connective Leadership Transformational Leadership
Fig 4.3. Path-goal theory
Table 4.1. Synthesis of Servant, Connective, and Transformational Leadership styles
Fig 4.4 Factors affecting leadership styles
Fig 4.5 Effective leadership responsibility
Authentic Leadership Commit to the truth Know yourself well Show self-discipline Show compassion Be genuine Being an authentic leader takes experience and commitment. It is developed over time, often triggered by setbacks and major life events.
Fig 4.6. Managers versus Leaders
Creating High-Performance Teams The principal characteristics of effective teams include: sense of urgency and direction hard work upfront - sets expectations and norms shared responsibility and mutual accountability effective in recognising problems and making decisions commitment and trust amongst members balances individual and group needs cohesive without stifling individuality confronts differences and deals with conflict deals with minority opinions effectively effective communication patterns
Motivated teams and team individuals Self-managed Teams Passion for feedback, personal learning and supporting team members Motivated teams and team individuals Team effectiveness and empathy
Fig 4.7. Service operation customer-facing competencies
Fig 4.8. Polar Diagram – Comparative analysis – Team effectiveness