Situational Theory of Leadership By: Dan Block
The Basics First Formulated by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard Based on the idea that different leadership styles work in different situations However the number of styles and the number of situations is finite
How the Theory Works
The Paint By Number of Leadership Theories
Historical Context Attempted to mix the certainty and predictability of earlier models, with the flexibility of newer models. Was trying to create a frame work that was the best of both worlds.
The Great Schism Hersey and Blanchard eventually split to take their research in different directions. This foreshadowed problems the model would run into.
Benefits of Situational Theory It is flexible, but can actually be applied and tested. It means leadership can be taught. It implies there is an achievable optimization that can be duplicated across fields.
Drawbacks of Situational Theory It can create a culture of managerial subservience. Can encouraging putting too many resources into diagnostic activities. Forces the unit in question to think in the short term. Methodological problems with creating finite situations and styles.
What Does a Situational Leader Look Like? LBJ IKE