Georgia Fire Inspector’s Association Training and business meeting January 19th, 2017
Call to Order Invocation Pledge of Allegiance
Business Meeting The GFIA welcomes all in attendance today. We would like to recognize any first time participants and any first time attendees. Thank you. New Members. Please introduce yourself to the membership. We would like to recognize all other Associations in attendance. Thank you to all guests that are attending.
Oath of Office for New Officers President – Stephen Bush, Gray, GA Vice President – Craig Landolt, Savannah, GA Secretary – Danny Wallace, Tifton, GA Treasurer – Dawn Taylor, Douglasville, GA Members – Willie Johnson, Macon, GA Members – Brian Stute, Sandy Springs, GA Past President – Lavon Cooper, Moultrie, GA All Board Members information is posted on the website. Feel free to reach out to any member for any comments, concerns, or information.
Central Georgia Technical College Recognition Mrs. Latonya Stewart Central Georgia Technical College Thank you to Central Georgia Technical College for the partnership that we have.
Vernon Gary Recognition Technical Assistance Thank you to Central Georgia Technical College for the partnership that we have.
Chief Larry Smallwood Recognition Thank you to Central Georgia Technical College for the partnership that we have.
2016 George M. Lanier Georgia Fire Inspector of the Year Recognition 2016 George M. Lanier Georgia Fire Inspector of the Year Lavon Cooper Moultrie, GA
Brian Stute, Fire Inspector Sandy Springs 470-388-2158 Member We would like to congratulate Mr. Brian Stute on his Board appointment. Born in Detroit, Michigan Moved to Marietta and attended high school at Greater Atlanta Christian School in 1987. Imlay City Fire Department, Michigan 2000- 2002 EMS for Grady, CHOA & Rural Metro 911 Dekalb, John’s Creek, and Sandy Springs 2002-2015 EMS/Medical Logistics Life Safety Solutions, LLC 2004-Present Sandy Springs FMO 2015-Present
Member Training Membership Input March 16th ?????? Willie Johnson, Fire Inspector Macon Bibb Fire Department 478-751-9180 Member Training March 16th ?????? GAFSED Macon Marriott Centraplex Ballroom C, D, E Speaker Creg Volkert with Amerex Topic is Pre-Engineered Industrial Systems – Dry Chemical/Paint Booths Membership Input If you have any instructors or classes you have visited and would like them presented here, please let us know.
Treasurer Financial Summary Membership Dues Membership Input Dawn Taylor State Fire Marshal’s Office 404-656-0697 Treasurer Financial Summary Current Balance - $3922.23 6 credits totaling $505 1 debit of $102 with 1 ATM fee of $1 Membership Dues $25 per year $60 for 3 years Membership Input
Secretary Minutes from previous meeting. Membership input. Danny Wallace, Fire Inspector Tifton/Tift County Fire Department 229-445-5837 Secretary Minutes from previous meeting. Membership input. Motion for acceptance of previous meeting minutes.
Secretary Membership Website Membership Input Danny Wallace, Fire Inspector Tifton/Tift County Fire Department 229-445-5837 Secretary Membership Website Membership Input
Secretary Social Media Facebook Group Danny Wallace, Fire Inspector Tifton/Tift County Fire Department 229-445-5837 Secretary Social Media Facebook Group Facebook Group Members - 74 Google+ has had 8600+ views. They have removed this function. Membership Input
Vice President Membership Input Golf Tournament Craig Landolt, Fire Marshal State Fire Marshal’s Office 470-270-6499 Vice President Golf Tournament Membership Input
President Thank You! Two-Year Goals and Objectives Membership Input Stephen Bush, CFPS Ethica 478-951-2034 President Thank You! Two-Year Goals and Objectives Continue to Provide Outstanding Training Membership List District Development Fee for Training (non-members) ICC Chapter Membership Input
Past President 2017 Georgia Fire Safety Symposium June 19 – 23, 2017 Lavon Cooper, Fire Marshal State Fire Marshal’s Office 470-270-6497 Past President 2017 Georgia Fire Safety Symposium June 19 – 23, 2017 Volunteers needed to facilitate training courses. See Lavon Cooper or Willie Johnson Membership Input
Committee Reports 120-3-3, NFPA 101 Committee Report Any additional committees.
Association Reports Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs Georgia Public Safety Educators Association Georgia Fire Investigators Association Other Associations
Old Business Shirt Orders Shirt orders will be moved to the website. Will be able to order anytime. Shipping will apply to orders. Proceeds will still benefit the Association. All shirts not picked up will move to conference sales.
Future GFIA Meeting Dates March 16th, 2017 May 18th, 2017 June 19th – 23rd Fire & Life Safety Symposium July 20th, 2017 September 21st, 2017
New Business For the Good of the Membership Call for any additional business/Items to be presented to the Membership for discussion and or action. Motion to Adjourn / Second / Vote THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION
Please show thanks to, Steven Jones. Take a 10 minute break so that we may set up for our presenter for this session. Sponsored by Central Georgia Technical College and the Georgia Fire Inspector’s Association.
Please welcome, Steven Jones, our presenter for this session. Sponsored by Central Georgia Technical College and the Georgia Fire Inspector’s Association.
Thank you, Central Georgia Technical College, for having us. Sponsored by Central Georgia Technical College and the Georgia Fire Inspector’s Association.