CReSIS Git Tutorial
CReSIS Git Tutorial Git: a distributed version control system Topics Distributed means that each person holds the entire repository locally This means you have a local copy of all versions of your project files Topics Installation Configuration (git config …) How to get a copy of another repository (git clone) Get updates from another repository (git pull) Commit your changes (git commit) Send your commits to another repository (git push) Other common tasks Windows Server Remote Git SSH Access Link a repository for a different project into a repository <-- Git Home Page
Installation Install “git for windows” Install “TortoiseGit” IMPORTANT: Choose all the default settings except for the ones described on the next few slides. Install “TortoiseGit” Choose all the default settings. If software is not available from the “Software Center”, you will need to email helpdesk to have them install it.
Installation: Git For Windows Normal Installation Field Installation Where Windows SSH Server Will Be Required
Installation: Git For Windows Do not commit files with CRLF (carriage return – line feed).
Configuration (git config …) Your global git configuration settings are stored in your user directory in the “.gitconfig” file. Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\.gitconfig Linux: /users/USERNAME/.gitconfig/ git setup: You can edit your .gitconfig file using the “git config” command: git config --global color.ui auto Or you can just edit it directly: [user] name = FIRST LAST email = KU_EMAIL_ADDRESS [alias] lgb = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset%n' --abbrev-commit --date=relative --branches [color] ui = auto
Configuration (git config …): TortoiseGit Remember password Username and Email Shortcut to edit “.gitconfig”
How to get a copy of another repository (git clone) For KU CReSIS accounts, “cd ~/scripts/” first Using TortoiseGit you right click in your \users\USERNAME\documents\scripts directory and choose “git clone” and then paste above address into URL field. git checkout dev Switch to branch “dev”. To create a new repository in any directory: git init
How to get a copy of another repository (git clone) You can git clone from any repository. Three ways to specify the repository: https: (must have server that supports this) toolbox.git ssh: (any machine running ssh) toolbox/ The file path on the remote machine is given after the colon. file path: E:\Documents\scripts\cresis-toolbox
How to get a copy of another repository (git clone) When you clone a repository you get everything for the specified branch. To pass changes back and forth between repositories we use the “push” and “pull” commands. You just have to tell git where the repository exists (can be an ssh server, https server, or a directory on a file system). Only committed changes can be pushed and pulled. If you make changes that you want to share or a particular version (snapshot of all files) that you may want to refer back to, you “commit” your changes. If another person commits a file you are trying to commit, you will have to merge in their changes and commit this merge before you are allowed to push your commits.
How to get a copy of another repository (git clone) Change your active branch to “dev”
Get updates from another repository (git pull) Gets any new commits and adds them to your repository Without arguments, it assumes: “origin” for the remote repository (short cut for the original repository that you cloned from… although you can change it manually too). Current active branch You can git pull from any repository. See previous page on cloning to see how to specify other repositories.
Get updates from another repository (git pull) Gets any new commits and adds them to your repository Without arguments, it assumes: “origin” for the remote repository (short cut for the original repository that you cloned from… although you can change it manually too). Current active branch You can git pull from any repository. See previous page on cloning to see how to specify other repositories.
Get updates from another repository (git pull) Gets any new commits and adds them to your repository Without arguments, it assumes: “origin” for the remote repository (short cut for the original repository that you cloned from… although you can change it manually too). Current active branch You can git pull from any repository. See previous page on cloning to see how to specify other repositories.
Git Commit: “Stage” or select which files you want to commit. TortoiseGit: Staging and committing are all one step and the graphical user interface is intuitive. Make sure to select only the files you want to commit. Check diff on each file by double clicking on the file and opening in TortoiseGitMerge. Command line: git add FILENAME, git add -u (adds all tracked files) git add –i Interactive mode. Example is to add all untracked files. First you select which files you want. For example “a” for untracked. Then select which of those you want to add. For example, “*” for all. Then quit “q”. git status Tells you which files you have added git reset FILENAME Unstages a file git reset Unstages all files git commit
Git Commit: “Stage” or select which files you want to commit. TortoiseGit: Staging and committing are all one step and the graphical user interface is intuitive. Make sure to select only the files you want to commit. Check diff on each file by double clicking on the file and opening in TortoiseGitMerge. Command line: git add FILENAME, git add -u (adds all tracked files) git add –i Interactive mode. Example is to add all untracked files. First you select which files you want. For example “a” for untracked. Then select which of those you want to add. For example, “*” for all. Then quit “q”. git status Tells you which files you have added git reset FILENAME Unstages a file git reset Unstages all files git commit
Send your commits to another repository (git push) Just like git pull only you are sending your commits to another repository. In fact, it is almost identical to having the other repository do a git pull from your repository.
Send your commits to another repository (git push) Just like git pull only you are sending your commits to another repository. In fact, it is almost identical to having the other repository do a git pull from your repository.
Other: Undo changes Undo commits from “mybranch” git checkout mybranch If you have not already pushed the commits, you can just delete them completely from the history: git reset --hard HEAD~2 Moves back 2 commits and removes all working directory changes HEAD is a short cut to the most recent commit on your checked out branch If you have pushed the commits you are trying to undo, then you should create a new commit with the changes removed: git revert --no-commit HEAD~2..HEAD Reverts last 3 commits git commit --message “Revert last two commits” If you have pushed a commit that was a merge that you are trying to undo, then you need to choose the correct parent to revert to (use “git log” to see the list of parents): $ git log commit c66e84975765bc5274a649c393187c25a3ba5bde Merge: b75a504 e403d46 PARENTS ARE LISTED HERE git revert -m 1 --no-commit HEAD -m 1 chooses “b75a504” Just undo working directory changes (there is no way to undo these commands with git) git reset --hard HEAD # Resets the whole repository git checkout -- FILE # Resets a specific file git clean -d –f # Removes untracked files and directories Unstage Files git reset HEAD FILENAME git reset Unstages all files Amend a previous commit git commit --amend
Other: Stashing “Stashing” changes so you can switch branches even though your working directory is in a dirty state (you have modified tracked files and staged changes). Stashing is necessary for a “git pull” which brings in commits on files which conflict with your modifications. TortoiseGit: Usually just use “Stash Save” and “Stash Pop” git stash Stashes git stash list git stash apply stash@{1} Applies changes from your stash git stash drop stash@{1} Drops a particular stash (do this when you no longer need it) git stash show -p stash@{0} | git apply –R Undoes a stash (-R applies in reverse … which means it undoes the changes) “Show -p” prints the changes associated with the particular stash to stdout
Other: Stashing “Stashing” changes so you can switch branches even though your working directory is in a dirty state (you have modified tracked files and staged changes). Stashing is necessary for a “git pull” which brings in commits on files which conflict with your modifications. TortoiseGit: Usually just use “Stash Save” and “Stash Pop” git stash Stashes git stash list git stash apply stash@{1} Applies changes from your stash git stash drop stash@{1} Drops a particular stash (do this when you no longer need it) git stash show -p stash@{0} | git apply –R Undoes a stash (-R applies in reverse … which means it undoes the changes) “Show -p” prints the changes associated with the particular stash to stdout
Other: Branching To create a new branch: git checkout -b newbranch Short for git branch newbranch; git checkout newbranch; git fetch origin NEWBRANCH git checkout NEWBRANCH; git merge master OR git checkout master; git merge NEWBRANCH OR git pull origin rss (pulls rss branch and merges it) git branch -d NEWBRANCH Works if fully merged. To override protection use -D: git branch -D NEWBRANCH
Resolving Conflicts TortoiseGit: Use TortoiseMerge Linux: Just edit the files that are conflicted and then commit them. Conflicted files will have conflict blocks in them which have to be manually removed/edited.
Windows Server Install “Bitvise ssh” Commands to access it from Linux Server assuming “” is the IP address of your Windows Server: git clone awi@ git remote add origin awi@ git push git pull To push changes to the Windows Server, you will need to checkout a different branch on the windows server before it will allow pushes to it.
Windows Server: Create user
Windows Server: SSH Server Settings
Windows Server: SSH Server Settings
Windows Server: SSH Server Settings
Windows Server: SSH Server Settings
Windows Server: Settings of toolbox folder
Windows Server: Verify Path Set
Remote Git SSH Access Generate Key ssh-keygen -t rsa -C Save the key in the default location ~/.ssh/id_rsa Add public key (cat ~/.ssh/ on Gitlab website Add the key here: DashboardProfile SettingsSSH Keys ssh server opened to the world on port 62: git remote add origin ssh:// toolbox.git
Remote Git SSH Access Steps to setup tunnel: no longer required since git server is setup on port 62 Setup Tunnel to SSH Server ssh -p 443 Create ~/.ssh/config file with the following contents: Host HostName localhost User git Port 12001 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa git clone
Link a repository for a different project into a repository git submodule add cresis- toolbox/+tomo/optim_tracker/ If cloning a repository with submodules, you will need to run: git submodule init git submodule update OR just do git clone --recursive To grab a new commit/version from the submodule: git submodule update --remote To specify a branch besides master git config –f .gitmodules submodule.cresis-music-3d.branch dev Then git submodule update –remote If you switch to a branch without the submodule and need to remove it: git clean –fdx To remove a submodule: git submodule rm optim_tracker