Earth has changed Have the organisms living on it changed? The fossil record says yes!
History of Evolution Aristotle’s ladder of nature Hutton – gradualism; Cuvier - catatrophism Lamarck - acquired traits ex. giraffes Darwin - descent with modification due to natural selection
Evolution Evolution: Change over time the process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms changes in the gene pool of organisms cannot happen in one generation
Darwin Charles Darwin theory of natural selection studying finches in the Galapagos Islands Alfred Wallace similar theory at a similar time not often recognized
Darwin’s Theory 1) Variation among offspring 2) Overpopulation-more organisms produced than can survive 3) Natural Selection & Survival of the Fittest Adaptation Fitness Adaptive advantage The survivors live to reproduce passing on traits 4) Over hundreds of generations, Descent with modification
Evidence for Darwin’s Theory - descent with modification Modification by natural selection Recent ancestor Remote ancestor
Darwin’s Theory Adaptation Fitness Adaptive advantage
Evidence of Evolution 1. Fossil Record - The fossils show changes Biodiversity number of species Biogeography what and where an animal is depends on its history Distribution fossils for armadillos are found in the new world, and armadillos are found in the new world, therefore animals are found above their fossil Succession of Forms descent with modification horse fossils
Evidence of Evolution Fossil Record The fossils show changes Biogeography what and where an animal is depends on its history Biodiversity number of species
Evidence of Evolution 2. Anatomical Structures Comparison by morphology Common Ancestor: Homologous Struct. Vestigial Structure Analogous Structure
Evidence of Evolution Common Ancestor: Homologous Structure similar structure due to shared ancestry, but have different functions
Evidence of Evolution Vestigial Structure no current function had function in ancestor human appendix human coccyx (tailbone) whale leg bones
Anatomy Evidence of EVOLUTION Comparative Anatomy Homologous Structures Vestigial Organs Bat’s wing Flipper
Different structures have similar function but evolved separately Evidence of Evolution Different Ancestors Analogous Structure Different structures have similar function but evolved separately
embryo development reflects evolution history Evidence of Evolution 3. Embryology embryo development reflects evolution history shows inheritance of an original, shared body plan Notice: gill slits vertebrae eye spots ear holes tail?
Ontology recapitulates Phylogeny Evidence of Evolution 3. Embryology embryo development reflects evolution history Ontology recapitulates Phylogeny
Evidence for Evolution 4 Evidence for Evolution 4. biochemical shows inheritance of similar chemicals by different species Example: Hemoglobin, amino acid sequences
Evidence of EVOLUTION: Fossil Record Anatomical Structures (anatomy) Embryology shows inheritance of an original, shared body plan Biochemistry shows inheritance of similar chemicals by different species Example: Hemoglobin, amino acid sequences Microevolution with genetics new alleles from mutations and recombination create VARIATION if those variations make an organism more fit =NATURAL SELECTION
Evidence of Evolution 5. Microevolution change within a species with a short generation time observable in a human’s lifetime bacterial resistance peppered moth of England artificial selection Evidence of Evolution