Liver transplantation Liceo Scientifico Francesco Redi Liver transplantation Teacher : Elisa Vannuccini Student : Clara Matteini
The history of transplantations Alexis Carrel devised a technique for joining two blood vessels Peter Medawar demonstrated that incompatibility has genetic origin Prof. Murray’s equipe did the first kidney transplantation Prof. Starzl did the first liver transplantation Second world war 1902 1954 1963
Main causes Cirrhosis Liver Cancer Hereditary diseases Hepatitis Diseases of the bile ducts Alchol abuse Liver Cancer Hereditary diseases
Three steps: Hepatectomy 2. Union of the anastomis 3. Devascularization of the ‘new’ liver
Where the ‘new’ liver comes from ? Liver used for the transplantantion can be obtained from : A person that died from lethal brain injuries A living donor who donates part of his liver ( A high compatibility is necessary – Generally a family member). Transplantion of stamcells ( under experimentation )
Split liver The liver of the donor can be divided in two parts and used for two receivers , usually the right part is given to an adult and the left part is given to a child.
Liver Transplant Risks Reject Bleeding -Hyperacute Infections Failure -Acute -Chronic
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