Kaplan University IT320 Operating System Concepts Unit 1 Seminar Pamela Van Hook
Tonight’s Objectives Introductions Syllabus Review Grading Policies Classroom Review Seminar Discussion Questions Course Overview Tonight we are going to get to know each other and review the syllabus which covers the course expectations and what we can expect of each other as well as a brief review of where to find everything in our classroom.
Seminar Ground Rules Type // when you have a question. Please limit the side-bar conversations. The discussion should be restricted to the current unit's topic. Don't worry about typos. They happen. Be as clear as you can. At the end of the seminar, I will open up the seminar for any questions.
Who Am I? My name is Pamela Van Hook. You may call me by my first name (Pam) or Professor Van Hook. I welcome each of you to IT320 this term!
Who Are You? Please take a few moments and type your name and where you are located. I like to begin each seminar with a weather report. What is the weather like in your area tonight? Please include the time zone where you are located. Do you follow football or baseball teams? If so, who is your favorite team?
Where Are We? Great! Now we all know who our classmates are. I live just north of Dallas in North Texas. 16 years experience in web development Over 11 years teaching online and on-campus BS in Biology & Chemistry MBA in Technology Management Master of Science in Library Science Working on my PhD in Business Administration specializing in e-Commerce
Kaplan Schedule – Eastern Time Kaplan University schedules are based on the Eastern time zone. When is my assignment due? Eastern Time 11:59 pm Central Time 10:59 pm Mountain Time 9:59 pm Western Time 8:59 pm Alaska Time 7:59 pm Hawaii Time 5:59 pm http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
Have you read the syllabus yet? The first thing you should do in every class you take is read the syllabus. I hope that everyone has or will read all announcements and the syllabus before getting started on the weekly unit activities. I will post announcements frequently. Check for new announcements each time you enter our classroom.
Course Number & Section The section number can be found as the suffix of your course number IT 320 – XXAU Include your course number and section in the subject line of emails, or introduction of contact through AIM when communicating with me through these methods.
How To Reach Me… How to reach me Be sure to have these written down in case you cannot access the Internet or your computer. How to reach me Email: pvanhook@kaplan.edu AOL IM: pvanhook@gmail.com I check my email at least once a day. I will respond to questions within 24-48 hours.
Office Hours AOL IM: pvanhook@gmail.com Available: Thursday 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm ET Sunday 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm ET By appointment, as needed
Grading Criteria Grade Distribution The Grading Criteria will display how the grades are distributed over the workload of the course.
Graded Activities (1000 pts) Discussion Questions Week 1 20 points Weeks 2-9 30 points Seminars Weeks 1-9 Weekly Assignments Week 1 Assignment 20 points Weeks 2-9 50 points Weeks 6 & 8 Second assignment Week 10 Final Assignment 100 points
Grading Grades will be posted by Monday following the end of a unit. Use the following grading scale to determine your grade.
Seminars & Discussions
Seminar Participation Attendance at Seminars is now required Students who attend seminars tend to have higher grades. If you can’t attend a seminar, review the archived seminar later in the week and complete the alternative assignment for the week. I will discuss specific details about assignments and the reading during the week. I will also post a PowerPoint presentation in “Doc Sharing” for your reference each week. I use these PPT in the seminars.
Seminar – Alternate Assignment If you can’t attend the seminar, complete the Flexible Learning Assignment (alternate assignment). You can find these assignments listed on the seminar page in the classroom. Due by Tuesday evening Required to earn points for missed seminar Unit 1 – Flexible Learning Assignment Write a 1 page report on Sun Virtual Box. What is it, what will you be using it for in this class and how? Make sure to cite your sources using APA style formatting.
Discussion Board Participation Discussion is the greatest learning tool and one of my favorite places to share, besides seminar, is the discussion board. Be aware of the expectations and the grading rubric for the discussion board 1 question every week (Weeks 1-9) NO MAKE-UP activities for Discussion Questions If you miss a week, you lose 30 points.
Discussion Board Participation The question is worth 30 points (20 points for Week 1) Post on at least 3 separate days for the question. Post your initial answer to the question on or BEFORE Saturday for full credit. Your initial response must answer the question and be at least 6 sentences in length. Shorter posts will lose points. Subsequent responses to each questions should add value to the discussion and be on topic. Side conversations on non-related topics WILL NOT count as participation. All discussions start on Wednesday and end Tuesday. No late posts are accepted or graded. I do not have allow any make-up assignments for missed discussion questions. In your response to the question, I am not going to go crazy counting your every word. However, I am going to look for understanding of the material, references, and clarity. When you post responses to your classmates, your discussion should add to the dialog by asking further questions or adding additional information and/or ideas. I do check for grammar and spelling errors in the discussion board as well as your projects. Please use the spell check before submitting your work.
Discussion Board Grading Each question is worth 30 points. Grading Policy First response 10 pts Second response 10 pts Third response 10 pts Did not post by Saturday (-5 pts) Did not post on 3 different days (-5 pts per missing day) Posts also lose points if they are too short, do not answer the questions, have spelling errors, or don’t add to discussion.
Discussion Grading - Examples Student A Post on 3 days Post On-time Points earned: Total = 30 points Student B Posted 1 response on Monday Posted 4 responses on Tuesday Points earned 30 points for 3 posts -5 (late) -5 (2 days) Total = 30-10 Total = 20 pts
What’s Due When??? Our weeks start on Wednesday of each week and all weekly assignments are due by the following Tuesday, no later than 11:59pm EST.
Late Submissions Projects: Discussion Board posts: 1-7 days, 20% deduction (-10 pts for Assignments) 8-14 days, 30% deduction (-15 pts for Assignments) Work submitted more than 14 days late will not be accepted without prior arrangements between you and me via email. DO NOT ASSUME that I will accept assignments after 14 days. Late policy does NOT apply to the Discussion Board. Late posts will not be accepted. All outstanding course work, including the final project, is due no later than Tuesday evening.
What To Expect of Grades… Your work will be checked for authenticity. Participation and attendance will be accounted for. I enforce Kaplan’s Plagiarism Policy. More can be found by following Course Home/Academic Success/Plagiarism in our course. Cite your resources. Follow Kaplan Universities guidelines as posted in this section. These guidelines apply to all submitted work, posts, and projects/assignments.
Vacations & Scheduled Absence As you plan for an upcoming vacation, you also need to keep in mind what you will need to do for this course. You will want to do your weekly assignments prior to leaving or during your vacation. If you have a need to be absent during a week and you know this in advance, please communication this to me in an email. No late work will be accepted after the deadline according to the late policy if late because of a planned vacation.
Unscheduled or Unplanned Absence For unexpected extenuating circumstances, I can work with your schedule for missed assignments. These circumstances must be communicated to me through email or a phone call. Examples would be family emergency, accident, hospitalization, or other unexpected event that would prevent you from accessing the computer.
Requesting an Incomplete There are times when students need to request an incomplete in order to have an extension to finish missed course work. This opportunity is available but comes with limitations. First, incompletes must be requested by the student and approved by the professor.
What qualifies for Incomplete To qualify for a granted incomplete grade and extension, you must meet 2 criteria. 75% of the course work must be completed and submitted. Extenuating circumstances must be present. (Just as in late submissions...Vacation, not enough time, forgot, etc are not considered extenuating circumstance)
Any Questions… About These Policies?
Where is Everything???
Where is Everything??? The Doc Sharing … Click the drop down arrow to find some very useful documents uploaded for your uses. DO NOT upload files to this area without permission. (especially your assignments)
Where is Everything??? How to access seminar & Archives … On the Portal screen, you can see link to the seminar under your class. Navigate to the section My Tools My Seminars
Course Overview
Topics for IT320 Riding the World of Operating Systems Introduction to Operating System Concepts Introduction to Linux Processes, Threads, & Deadlocks Memory Management Scheduling with Uniprocessor & Multiprocessor File Management Computer Security Risks & Data Management Distributed Computing & Networks Wrapping Up
Unit Assignments Download Linux on VMWare. Submit Screenshot Essay on evolution of operating systems PowerPoint comparing 3 Linux distributions Simulations & Essay on Linux versus Windows Simulations & Essay on Memory Management
** Second assignment listed in blue Unit Assignments Essay on Processor Scheduling Algorithm Summary of Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS) Essay comparing operating systems (Windows, Linux, & Unix) Describe Home Computer Network & Security Describe Security Policies to Implement Case Study: Propose Network & Computing Environment ** Second assignment listed in blue
Unit Assignment (due March 13) Unit 10 – Final Project Topics Covered Write a 5 -10 page essay explaining how a mainstream modern (Linux or Windows) Operating System is designed to integrate all components of the operating system. The following list of topics is a starting point for your essay. Processes and threads Memory management Scheduling • Including deadlock prevention File Management Input and Output devices Security issues • Discuss current malware threats and prevention techniques Data protection • RAID • Clusters
Wrapping Up Now, as mentioned before, if you have any questions please send me an email or contact me via AOL IM. Email: pvanhook@kaplan.edu AOL IM: pvanhook@gmail.com If you would like to review our weekly seminars, you can review them via the original seminar link by Monday morning.
Wrapping Up I will open the floor for questions from you. Please raise your hand // so I don't miss anyone. Remember to post early in the discussion boards. For Unit 1: Post your bio to the discussion forum. Answer Discussion Question Post responses in discussion Install Virtual Box Install Linux Post Screenshot as your assignment