ICANN57 F2F Meeting Slides


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Presentation transcript:

ICANN57 F2F Meeting Slides Next-Generation gTLD Registration Directory Service (RDS) to replace WHOIS ICANN57 F2F Meeting Slides RDP PDP WG | ICANN57 | 3 November 2016

Agenda 1 2 3 4 5 Introductions & SOI Updates Accomplishments & Status Next Steps & Working Session 4 5 Action Items & Next Meeting Links to Meeting Materials This is a stylized agenda slide for your presentation. To delete a box, if there are too many boxes, click the edge of the box, ensure the entire box is highlighted, then DELETE. To update the numbers and text, click inside the circle for the numbers or in the box for the text, revise the text.

WG Member Introductions and SOI Updates Agenda Item #1 All WG members will place tent cards in front of them, giving their name and affiliation (if any). New WG members will also be given an opportunity to briefly introduce themselves, stating their name, geographic region, and SO/AC/SG/C affiliation (if any). All WG members will also have a chance to give any update to their SOI.

RDS PDP WG: Accomplishments & Status Agenda Item #2 2. PDP Work Plan: Accomplishments and Status (09:10) Review work plan to briefly recap WG progress on recent tasks Work Plan: https://community.icann.org/x/oIxlAw Task 8: Develop Possible Requirements List: https://community.icann.org/x/shOOAw Task 11: Decide how to reach consensus: https://community.icann.org/x/p4xlAw, including the following preparatory materials to inform deliberations: problem statement for this PDP WG (completed) representative set of example use cases (completed) registration data and directory service statement of purpose (in progress)

What have we accomplished so far? Approved Work Plan, including Approach to reach Consensus Key Input Summaries for Users & Purposes Data Elements Privacy Initial Possible Requirements List (in progress), incorporating Extracts from Key Inputs Early Outreach responses PDP Phase(s) Dependencies Codes and Keywords Further materials to prepare for deliberations Problem statement for this PDP WG  Representative set of example use cases  Registration data and directory service statement of purpose 

RDS PDP WG: Next Steps & Working Session Agenda Item #3 Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.

It’s now time to start deliberations Task 12.a: Deliberate on Possible Fundamental Requirements, starting with a first pass at deliberating on requirements for these three charter questions: Users/Purposes: Who should have access to gTLD registration data and why? Data Elements: What data should be collected, stored, and disclosed? Privacy: What steps are needed to protect data and privacy? https://community.icann.org/x/oIxlAw

Keeping in mind where we’re headed… Registration Data Elements What data should be collected, stored, and disclosed? Users and Purposes Who should have access to gTLD registration data and why (for what purposes)? Privacy What steps are needed to protect data and privacy? Gated Access What steps should be taken to control data access for each user/purpose? Registration Data Accuracy What steps should be taken to improve data accuracy? Establishing a foundation to answer this question: Is a new policy framework and a next-generation system needed to address these requirements?

Further detailed in the charter & issue report This Mind Map serves as a concise illustration of the fundamental questions and sub-questions detailed in the RDS PDP Charter and Issue Report: RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-MindMap-2May 2016.pdf This map was created as a tool to help the WG better understand and reach agreement on the fundamental questions to be addressed in phase 1 by illustrating inputs, dependencies, and sub-questions (expanded on next slide)

We’ll start deliberating on three questions Iterating in a randomized manner RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-MindMap-2May 2016.pdf

By deliberating on possible requirements For example, consider these Data Element (DE) possible requirements QQ: Charter Question (e.g., UP, DE, PR) (Ph)ase 1 / 2 / 3 D#: Source Document # (C)odes R#: Unique Possible Requirement (PR) # (K)eywords Phases, codes, and keywords can be used to select subsets for deliberation

Using a randomized iterative approach 1.      Sort possible requirements for phase 1 requirements only. 2.      Randomly order the three questions: Users/Purposes, Data Elements & Privacy. 3.      For the first round, start with the first randomly selected question, followed by the second, and then the third, discussing a subset of possible requirements, using the Prerequisites/Dependencies, Codes, and Keywords to select subsets for deliberation. 4.      For the next round, rotate the order of questions so that the second becomes the first, the third becomes second, and the first becomes third, iterating on step 3. Users/Purposes PRs Users/Purposes PRs with Phase = 1 Subsets of UP PRs Deliberate on questions in random order, rotating order in each iteration Data Elements PRs Data Elements PRs with Phase = 1 Subsets of DE PRs Privacy PRs Privacy PRs with Phase = 1 Subsets of PR PRs

Proposed approach for selecting subsets Codes may be used to select subsets for deliberation Start with Alpha Order: Start deliberating on a subset of PRs that have Code = "A." Continue with subsets for other Codes in alphabetical order (e.g., AA, AB, AC, AD, B…), or as determined during deliberation. Further filtering may help to organize deliberation on each subset Dependencies: Begin deliberating on the PRs within each subset that have no dependencies. Continue by following the chain of inter-dependencies between PRs within that subset, so that continuing deliberations can build upon points of agreement. Keywords: For subsets that are large or broad, apply Keywords to break into smaller subsets. Charter Subquestions: Map the PRs within each subset to subquestions posed by the Mind Map, so that points of agreement can be applied to answer Charter Questions.

For example, Data PRs with Code = “A” include Extracted from Draft 5 in-progress (code review still underway) Subset sizes vary significantly by Code and Question

Approach to reach consensus in Phase 1 UP DE PR 12a&b FQ Foundational Question OQ Other Questions UP Users/Purposes GA Gated Access DA Data Accuracy DE Data Elements PR Privacy CX Coexistence CM Compliance SM System Model CS Cost BE Benefits RI Risks 13 12e 14 First Initial Report FQ Public Comment GA DA OQ 12c&d 15-16 CX CM SM CS BE RI 18 19 Second Initial Report Public Comment 20 Final Report Phase 1 Consensus Rough Informal Consensus Formal Consensus per Charter IV Task #s are taken from Work Plan @ https://community.icann.org/x/oIxlAw

As a starting point, for today’s meeting We will cover all three charter questions in the following randomly-selected order: Users and Purposes Data Elements Privacy We will start by examining only the possible requirements within each of these subsets that have Code = “A” and no dependencies or pre-requisites For each possible requirement, WG members may offer brief comments on conceptual merits or concerns (i.e., not specific wording) We will record a general sense of the room on level of support for that PR As appropriate and time permitting, we may also examine additional possible requirements that appear to cover the same concept Results of this initial pass will be captured for use in drafting recommendations to review, refine, and deliberate upon in upcoming WG calls and on the WG list For each question (Users/Purposes, Data Elements, Privacy), we will examine all PRs without dependencies for that question before doing the same for the next question

Confirm Action Items, Next Steps, Next Meeting Agenda Item #4 Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.

Links to Meeting Materials Agenda Item #5 Breakup your presentation, divide it into sections. This is especially useful if most of your presentation is text.

To prepare for this session PDP WG Charter: https://community.icann.org/x/E4xlAw Charter Questions and Key Inputs for each Question RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-MindMap  PDP WG Work Plan: https://community.icann.org/x/oIxlAw Approach to consensus in deliberation of possible requirements Phase 1 Outputs: https://community.icann.org/x/p4xlAw, including Draft 4: RDS PDP Initial List of Possible Requirements for gTLD registration data and directory services (Draft 5 underway) Draft Registration Data and Directory Service Statement of Purpose (work in progress)  Additional info@ RDS PDP WG Wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/rjJ-Ag

To learn more Thank You and Questions Reach us at: Email: gnso-rds-pdp-wg@icann.org Website: http://tinyurl.com/ng-rds You can adjust the email/web address to whichever email or web address is best suited to your presentation. This should be your final slide.

Background on this PDP This PDP has been tasked with defining the purpose of collecting, maintaining and providing access to gTLD registration data and considering safeguards for protecting that data, determining if and why a next-generation Registration Directory Service (RDS) is needed to replace WHOIS, and creating policies and coexistence and implementation guidance to meet those needs. The charter organizes this WG’s tasks into three phases

During Phase 1, this WG will Attempt to reach consensus on the following (at a minimum): What are the fundamental requirements for gTLD registration data? When addressing this, the PDP WG should consider, at a minimum, users & purposes, access, accuracy, data elements, and privacy Is a new policy framework and a next-generation system needed to address these requirements? If yes, what cross-cutting requirements must any next-generation RDS address, including coexistence, compliance, system model, and cost, benefit, and risk analysis requirements If no, does the current WHOIS policy framework sufficiently address these requirements? If not, what revisions are recommended to the current WHOIS policy framework to do so?