GP IT update Dec 2016 Dr N Addy
2016/17 Jargon Buster MIG (medical interoperability gateway) LDR- local digital roadmap NEL CSU (N E London CSU IT support) ETTF- Estates Technology & Transformation Fund BAU- business as usual capital bidding process DSA- data sharing agreement HTTP – hypertext transfer protocol API- application programming interface
IT steering Group Monitors the IT SLA with NELCSU and provides focal point for CCG capital bids, asset management and formulating/ monitoring IT strategy Local developments include: HIE- usage increasing. MIG v2 pending. Barts/ELFT links coming E-referrals- national target to increase E- discharge/OPD/Comm letters- nearly all active GP intranet- initial proposal by planned care for revamped website. Cost £15k to £40k for new development design. Hosting/ support £3-15k p.a.
Intranet development Focus group Key questions: Should the site be hidden from public or password protected Should pathways be PDF docs for download or webpages for access Would user accounts be helpful for GPs to record reading and CPD points
LDR Priorities National: Pts have access to detailed coded GP record (National) Pts can book GP appointments & order rpt meds online (10% registered list suggested) London: Empower pts to access health/social care records via a single log-in and ID (London) GPs electronically order tests and receive results in real- time (local) Mobile working. All community care professionals can update info at point of care (local) Care workers access pt info regardless of location
IT enabler/ LDR update LDR Submitted to NHSE June 2016 Good feedback but further work required to refine annual targets NE London region being asked to work towards a single LDR Healthy London Partnership IT enabler programme submitted expression of interest to be the first community in this programme Provides 4 core functions incl document exchange incl crisis +EOL care data + real time care plan updates, data controller console, online account service for pts
ETTF capital bids C&H submitted bids under this estates and tech fund NHSE asked for bids to align to STPs after a scoring/ prioritisation process C&H bids incl. GP demand management & WiFi installation in practices (rolled into a single NE London bid for WiFi) Demand mx consolidated to another bid to support practices uptake and utilisation of tech-based solutions Left with a) digitisation of paper records by 16/17 b) online sharing of diagnostics & messaging & 2 pan- London bids
BAU Capital Bids London allocation £33million (% of National budget) Covers everything outside ETTF Given limited funds most London BAU bids will need to be submitted via STPs in prioritised order NE London allocated £7.2 million (22% budget) Current bids ranked and prioritized by IT steering group include: GP intranet / Patient website – information for GPs and patient portal to online services; Mobile working – devices with access to full version of EMIS web; Cloud based storage – improved data storage and back-up; Docman extraction – transferring all scanned documents to EMIS web; Patient info displays – to support health promotion and patient online services; Digitisation of patient records – scanning of paper records for electronic storage; Additional equipment – hardware replacement
SMS Messaging in Hackney Proposal to switch from NHS mail to local EE HTTP API for SMS C&H 32 practices sending 809k appt and 24k FFT SMS NHS mail increasingly unreliable for SMS Currently supplied by EE under national contract Mjog approved to use EE HTTP API to deliver SMS to EE w/o an NHS mail account Allows direct 2 way pt messaging and costs less Benefits: cost saving, no extra work
Homerton IT: current issues and qu’s Missing pathology requests Adding ethnicity data to T quest Moving to 100% digital radiology requests – are we ready for this? Barriers to increasing e-referrals from primary care. Target 85% electronic referral or increase of 20% on current activity.