Leadership Summit III Joe Pray
Where We Are Shared “near complete” version with you last June Incorporated your feedback to refine the vision story and created “What the vision looks like” Will be sharing Enterprise Vision in person with Associates across the country May – July Inspire a shared vision: Our role is to “sponsor” the vision by building understanding & creating engagement
Enterprise Vision Trustmark is a leader in defining and improving customer well-being. Together, as an enterprise, we win by deploying our capabilities innovatively to solve complex customer problems, pioneer new markets and optimize value creation.
Stronger Together, Together We Win Enterprise Vision Defines ambitious, long-term goals that set the direction of Trustmark for the next 10+ years Boiled down to its core, it’s simply: Stronger Together, Together We Win
Together, we will define and improve well-being Enterprise Vision It’s more directional than quantitative: Together, we will define and improve well-being not We will create $5 billion in enterprise value or Go to the moon Its focus is both external and internal.
Trustmark is a leader in defining and improving customer well-being. Enterprise Vision Defines what operating as an enterprise can achieve: Trustmark is a leader in defining and improving customer well-being. And, begins to define what enterprise requires: Together … we win by deploying our capabilities innovatively to solve complex customer problems, pioneer new markets and optimize value creation.
“What the Vision looks like” We are far stronger, together, as an enterprise: We leverage capabilities to solve complex customer problems. We combine our perspectives to see intersections that create new opportunities. We achieve dynamic balance that drives results and healthy transformation. We develop long-term, trusted relationships with our customers and across markets and functions. We view collaboration not as consensus but as a process of engagement where competing ideas and different perspectives spur better results. We pioneer selectively, when we can creatively combine and deploy capabilities in concert to establish a strategic advantage. We think strategically, and we lead, manage and invest to optimize the long-term value of the enterprise.
Our Current State
Our Desired State
From … Current State
To … Desired State
Means …
Our Role as Leaders Targets of Change – Understand the change; manage choices Change Agents – We facilitate change Sponsors of Change – We have the authority, resources & accountability to call for/support change
Our Role as Leaders We control the fate of our vision:
Our Role as Leaders We control the fate of our vision:
Our Role as Leaders We control the fate of our vision: