End to End Testing– Are we doing too Much? Vipin Jain QA Evangelist Dr. Anubha Jain Assoc. Professor The IIS University
Software complexity over time
Development getting Complex
Waterfall Agile Web DevOps Mobile IoT Manual Automation
So Many Types of Testing!
Why Do we need End to End Testing when we can test each aspect of the application?
Lessons learned
White Box vs Black Box Testers around the world face this challenge that what should be done while doing EtoE Testing. White Box OR Black Box testing? Both are equally important while performing EtoE testing.
White Box Given the complex nature of the applications, White box testing relies on the knowledge of the tester about the design aspects and the different components inside the program. The tester also needs to know the classes and the methods employed to create the software in white box testing.
Black Box Black box testing concentrates on the functions of the system, whether the system produces the desired output or not. User should be able to navigate in and out of the system, completing all defined user journeys.
How to do EtoE testing? Ask Testers Their Answer: Build Testcases End to End and execute. More testcases, better would be the testing.
Why team likes End to End test? Developers – It offloads most of testing to others Managers – It Simulates how a failing tests can affect a real user Testers – Writing tests from user perspective give them a sense of accomplishment
Scenario User Purchases Item Send Order Confirmation to User Generate Order Adjust Inventory Update Order Status Dispatch System receives Order Information Schedule Dispatch Update Order Status Notify user about Dispatch Dispatch Item Send email to User Update Order Status Deliver Item
Why we need EtoE testing here? “Buying an Item” is a simple User Journey that TRIGGERS actions in MANY CONNECTED SYSTEMS These Systems are often INDEPENDENT End to End Testing is required to ensure all such systems act TOGATHER
How to Build End to End tests?
Remember Scope of the End to End testing is not increased un-necessarily. Un-necessary scenarios included will not help us, it will just increase the time taken. E.g. Can we add 100 items in Cart? Can we deliver on 29th Feb as date in System?
They are Different Myth End to End testing is same as Regression and Functional testing. They are Different
Remember The End to End phase should be as Small as Possible Question every request to include a particular scenario in the End to End test suite. The value of including a particular scenario should be clear and communicated to everyone
Answer these! What is the value addition if we add / execute this test? How is this test different from other tests? Does the test uncover something we don’t know already? Has it been tested before? What’s the opportunity cost? Is there anything more important to test?
More Tests, More Time Set-up data Set-up Users Coordinate execution with everyone Monitor all the messages Ensure that everything works
My End to End Flow
Lessons learned
Any questions?
Thank You ! Vipin.jain@metacube.com Linkedin: in.linkedin.com/in/vipinqalead/ Twitter: vipin_QA