Question 1 Who knows someone else that is good at something?
Question 2 How did they get good at it? Practice Discipline Good teaching Lots of Time
Training… What’s the big deal? By Stephen Daniel
Training…What’s the big deal? Time – Training’s playing field Why should I care? Three types of training Training Exercise Training Challenge
Training…What’s the big deal? Time – Training’s playing field Why should I care? Three types of training Training Exercise Training Challenge
Time – Training’s Playing field How you spend your time is important How Important? Let’s see some quotes.
Time Quotes Lost time is never found again. ― Benjamin Franklin Time = Life, Therefore, waste your time and waste of your life, or master your time and master your life. ― Alan Lakein Look carefully then how you walk…making the best use of the time Ephesians 5:15
Time Quotes If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of. ― Bruce Lee
Time Quotes “Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.” ― Anthony G. Oettinger
Time Statistics In 2012, the average American spent… 2.8 hours per day watching TV That’s 100o hours in a year That’s nearly half a year of 40-hour work weeks Making minimum wage that person would have made enough to buy a nice used car. IT GETS WORSE…
Time Statistics cont. LA Times Study – 8-18 year olds spent an average of 7.5 hours a day on TV, Video Games and computer combined. That’s a full-time job plus 12.5 hours of overtime. Earning minimum wage plus overtime that person could have earned $22,148 that year. So, according to these studies, what are Americans getting good at?
Time Statistics cont. Pwning N0obs in Halo Being movie critics Memorizing sports trivia Repeating funny lines from TV shows What else? They are training to be good at these things, simply by spending time on them.
Rhetorical Question 3 What are you getting good at? Guaranteed, it is whatever you are spending a lot of time on.
Training…What’s the big deal? Time – Training’s playing field Why should I care? Three types of training Training Exercise Training Challenge
Why should I care? What if I like Can’t I use MY Time like I WANT? Being a self-proclaimed college football analyst, Amassing a mental database of Homestar Runner quotes Pwning noobs online Can’t I use MY Time like I WANT? Underwater Basket-weaving
Why should I care? Though none of these things are inherently bad God cares about how we use our time… Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17
God Cares About My Time Our time is not our own because WE are not our own. God created us: God created people in his own image… Gen. 1:27 You…knit me together in my mother's womb. Ps. 139:13 God also purchased us: You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. 1 Cor. 6:19-20 God has purchased our freedom with his blood…Col. 1: 14
God Cares About My Time We are God’s. Therefore “my time” is actually HIS time. He has given us things to do: You will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is. Rom. 12:2 After David had served his generation according to the will of God, he died and was buried… Acts 13:36
God Cares About My Time We will be held accountable for what we do with our time. Each of us will have to give a personal account to God. Romans 14:2 It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment. Hebrews 9:27
God Cares About My Time How does using our time according to God’s will relate to training? God wants us to DO some things that we aren’t quite ready to do. David had served his generation according to the will of God, he died and was buried Acts 13:36 He also wants us to BE some things that we are not currently. You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect. Matt 5:48 How do you get from where you are now, to where God wants you to be?
Training…What’s the big deal? Time – Training’s playing field Why should I care? Three types of training Training Exercise Training Challenge
Three types of training Knowledge: Defined: The fact or condition of being aware of something Choose my instruction rather than silver, and knowledge over pure gold. Pr. 8:10
Three types of training Skills: Defined: The ability to use one's knowledge to effectively accomplish a task Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men. Pr. 22:29 Insert Napoleon Dynamite Quote Here…
Three types of training Character: Defined: The complex of mental and ethical traits marking a person They should be given other responsibilities in the church as a test of their character and ability. 1 Tim 3:10
Three types of training In order for us to accomplish God’s will for our lives, we need to develop in all three types of training.
Training…What’s the big deal? Time – Training’s playing field Why should I care? Three types of training Training Exercise Training Challenge
Training Exercise As of today, what is one thing you think God wants you to do with your life? My Answer: So far, I think the Lord is leading me to go into full-time ministry within the next several years. I also need to build a family.
Training Exercise What might you need to learn to accomplish that? (Keep in mind Knowledge, Skills & Character) My Answer: Going into Ministry – How to deal with and lead people older than me, much older. Evangelism outside of a school environment How to walk with God through hard things Building a family – Raise children Manage Personal/family finances
Training Exercise How might you be able to learn those things? My Answer: Leading people older than me Practice in Growth Groups, Various other projects around hope Raise children Reading books (recommended books) about parenting In the work place, with coaching from my bosses Asking for help from people ahead of me in life Evangelism outside of a school environment Wisdom Seminars on Family Using growth groups to meet people Manage Personal/family finances Involving others in my life and family Books and seminars on the topic How to walk with God through hard things Asking for help from people ahead of me Consistent Quiet Times Keeping a good group of people around me to help keep me out of the ditches
Training Exercise What things might get in the way of you learning those things? (aka. Distractions) My Answer: Currently: Desire to Sleep Love for going out to eat Anything but what I should be doing During HS and College: Video games Excessive time at the gym Hanging out with friend (all hours of the night) Dreaming of doing rather than training… Pr. 19:2
Training Challenge Develop a mindset of “My time is not my own” “Is this how God wants me to use His time?” Commit yourself to training now So that you will be effective at handling life later
Training…What’s the big deal? The end