Mrs. Moua’s Classroom News September 4, 2015 We have spent the first full week of school getting to know our schedule and classroom expectations. We have already built such great friendships with each other and I can’t wait to watch them grow! TIGER PRIDE: Be SAFE Be RESPONSIBLE Be RESPECTFUL Reading: Daily 5 – read to self, IPICK strategies and building STAMINA (we are up to 10 minutes)! Math: Place value up to 100,000, standard form, expanded form, and written form. Language Arts: Daily language review, nouns (common/proper), cursive writing, spelling skills. Science: Science will start next week. We will start with our 5 senses and learning the scientific method! Sept. 7th – NO SCHOOL Labor Day Sept. 8th – STARS test (This is a new test we are taking to help us better understand where our students reading skills are at and areas they need to improve.)