4th Grade Newsletter August 23, 2013 Dates to Remember: Aug. 26st – STAR Math Test Aug. 29th- Volunteer training @ 8:30 September 5th- picture day, don’t wear green Oct. 1st – Talent Show WELCOME BACK!! It has been a great second week of school. We are in need of a few items for science next week. If you are able to send anything in please send me an e-mail. We need chop sticks, pliers ( needle noised and regular that we will return), raisins, and gummy worms! FUNDRAISER This week we continued our fundraiser selling cookie dough, magazines, and tote bags! The fundraiser will continue till August 29th. Thank you for your support! The funds will go towards a new reading series, which is much needed! Weekly Update! Reading: This week we read Grandfather’s Journey. Students worked on identifying an author’s viewpoints. In grammar we worked on the suffixes –ly and –y and subjects and predicts. Math: Continued to work on chapter 1: place value, ordering, and rounding. Students need to continue practice using standard form, expanded form, and word form. S.S./Writing: This week we focused on 7 Habits and the Guideline to Success. Next week we will begin social studies. Science: We learned that cells are the building blocks of life and made edible cells, we also studied vertebrates and invertebrates Reminders Conduct cards come home on Fridays, and should be signed and returned on Monday Papers will be stapled and sent home on Fridays Continue to work on multiplication facts CELEBRATIONS! These students were picked to eat in the leadership lounge! Mrs. Burton: Maria Crowe Mrs. Farmer: Caden Trevor Mrs. Johnson: Chloe Wright Mrs. Wiles: Lily Cline