UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Introductions Kris Lundberg UAW International Representative (313) 324-5041 Kimberly Cushing GM Representative (313) 324-5237 Mark Corkins UAW Special Assigned (313) 324-5201
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers 2015 National Agreement The Joint Learning Centers are defined in Document 106 of the 2015 UAW-GM National Agreement Document 106 spells out the Joint Learning Center concept and lists the three major areas of educational programs and services supported in all Joint Learning Centers
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Joint Learning Centers focus on three main areas of educational opportunities: Technical Skills: Provides basic technical skills commonly used in the workplace and includes topics such as reading comprehension, spatial relations, basic blueprint reading, technical and advanced mathematics Communication Skills: Provides educational opportunities to ensure effective communication skills in the areas of active listening, workplace writing, technical writing, presentation development and delivery Computer Applications: Provides computer skills commonly used in the workplace such as software applications, keyboarding, Internet navigation, etc.
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Effective planning and implementation of the Joint Learning Center involves securing the support and participation of key decision makers and stakeholders Local Joint Activities Committee (LJAC) Learning Center Project Directors (Doc 46 Representative and GM Counterpart) UAW-represented GM active employees, their spouses, and UAW retirees Local Education Agency (LEA) Center for Human Resources (CHR)
Administrative Guidelines UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Administrative Guidelines Planning for Learning Center Activities: Learning Center plans will run January through December of the current year Plans must be submitted 60 days prior to expiration of current contract (October 31 of current year) Plans approved after January 1st; due to untimely submission will be prorated on a monthly basis (No retroactive pay approved) The Local Joint Activities Committee will determine and approve available project staff hours, hours of operations, and after-hour’s access to the Joint Learning Centers
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Planning for Learning Center Activities: (Continued) The minimum class size of five (5) must be maintained for a class to be funded by EED Funds NO Plan; NO Money; NO Services; NO Retroactive Reimbursements NO Joint Learning Center Plan; NO Local Joint Fund Approval NO Equipment NO Supplies Operating an “Open Lab” CHR needs a statement to that effect from the Key-4 before approving any funding
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Planning for Learning Center Activities: (Continued) There are four possible sources of funds that can be used for Joint Learning Center operations: EED Funds – these funds are designed to cover instructional cost and will only covered pre-approved classes Plant Budget – these funds can be used for instruction, equipment, materials, and supplies Local Joint Training Funds – these funds can be used to purchase equipment, computer hardware/software, internet services and materials and supplies for your Learning Center (Refer to the UAW-GM Funding Guidelines manual to determine what is appropriate and inappropriate when using Local Joint Training Funds) Government Funds – the Project Directors will be responsible for securing any available state and federal funding
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Planning for Learning Center Activities: (Continued) The maximum amounts allowed are determined by the number of active employees in your facility as presented in the table below: Number UAW Represented Employees (Active Workers) Dollar Amount Not to Exceed Less than 500 $19,200 501 – 1500 $24,000 1501 – 2500 $33,600 Greater than 2500 $43,200 (Money will be prorated based on months of use as indicated on plans date of approval)
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Planning for Learning Center Activities: (Continued) Educational needs must be identified to determine the services you will provide in the Joint Learning Center. CHR will ONLY pay for classes CHR will ONLY pay for classes approved on your Learning Center Plan ALL classes must be pre-approved by the CHR PRIOR to being offered. NO Plan; NO Money; NO Services; NO Retroactive Reimbursements As changes occur to your plan an “Additional Course Request Form” must be submitted and approved prior to class offerings
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Planning for Learning Center Activities: (Continued) Selecting your LEA: The LEA must have a current accreditation from the state The LEA must be able to provide an instructor for each of the classes in your Joint Learning Center proposal Instructors must have college credentials in their subject area and be an employee of the Agency
Compiling Your Joint Learning Center Plan UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Compiling Your Joint Learning Center Plan Joint Learning Center Plan approval requirements: A completed and signed plan A completed and Educational Provider Contract Facilities covered under the small plant strategy and requesting EED funds for instructional materials and supplies, purchases must be specified and approved in the Joint Learning Center plan Joint Learning Center services will be interrupted if the new plan/contract submission is not timely (No retroactive payment) Money will be prorated based on months of use as indicated on plans date of approval
Compiling your Joint Learning Center Plan (Continued) UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Compiling your Joint Learning Center Plan (Continued) A Computer Support Services (CSS) forecast must be included in your plan for all equipment/software purchases To purchase computer hardware or software for your Joint Learning Center, you must contact the Computer Services and Support (CSS) department at the UAW- GM CHR. Contact Mark Sherrard at 313-324-5318 ALL purchases must be detailed in the plan and itemized in the Joint Learning Center budget
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Invoicing Invoices will not be paid without a current plan/contract The minimum class size of five (5) must be maintained for a class to be funded by EED Funds Only classes that have been pre-approved by the UAW-GM CHR will be covered by EED Funds Any changes to your approved plan; Requires an “Additional Course Request Form” which must be submitted, approved and received prior to class offering Failure to comply will affect payment for Joint Learning Center services All invoices must be accompanied by the CHR Invoice form titled: “UAW-GM Joint Learning Center Invoice”
Invoicing (Continued) UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Invoicing (Continued) Invoices will not be paid if requested detailed documentation is not provided and signed by LEA and Key 4 (Invoice Form) The LEA should invoice the CHR quarterly An invoice will not be paid if invoices from earlier periods have not been submitted The CHR will not reimburse for any classes paid through other sources such as state, federal, or other funds
Monitoring Learning Center Activities UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Monitoring Learning Center Activities Monitor and track your classes Class rosters must be maintained to track the total activity level for each class for the year The minimum class size of five (5) must be maintained for a class to be funded by EED Funds Check LEA invoices for compliance; class rosters and course charges Communicate regularly with the LEA administrator/ project director regarding Joint Learning Center activities, problems, and issues
Monitoring Learning Center Activities (Continued) UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Monitoring Learning Center Activities (Continued) Monitor the selection of appropriate Joint Learning Center materials Maintain an equipment inventory list of all items purchased through Local Joint Training Funds
The Joint Learning Center Plan UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers The Joint Learning Center Plan Information Form Learning Center Plan Proposed Budget Detail EED Funds Amount Filled in (Pro-rated amount, if applicable) Course Approval Form LEA Contract Contract Cycle January – December
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers All Joint Learning Center Forms Can Be Downloaded from the JAS Website @ Joint Learning Center Plan Course Change Form Invoice Form
UAW-GM Joint Learning Centers Questions and Answers