Simultaneous Reconciliation of a Large Disaggregated Time Series of Accounts with an Application to the U.S. Input-Output Accounts Baoline Chen1 Tommaso Di Fonzo2 Thomas Howells1 Marco Marini3 1BEA – Bureau of Economic Analysis 2University of Padova, Department of Statistical Sciences 3International Monetary Fund Statistics Department 2nd Conference of the Society of Economic Measurement July 22~24, 2015 Paris, France
Outline of the Presentation
Motivation: A Practical Problem at National Accounts
Reconciliation Problems Preliminary Values, Linear Constraints in a System of Time Series
Statistical Reconciliation Minimize a Quadratic Constrained Minimization Function
Movement Preservation Principle Denton (1971), Cholette (1979), and Helfand, et al. (1977)
Simultaneous Solution Adjusting All Periods and All Variables at the Same Time
Reliability of Data, Alterability Coefficients Considering the Reliability of Variables in the Adjustment
Reconciliation of the U.S. Annual IO Accounts
BEA’s Solution for Reconciling Input-output Accounts Multi-step Procedure
Our Approach
The Reconciliation Problem Some Details and Dimensions of the Problem
Notation: Benchmark and Annual IO Accounts
Notation: Input vector and constraints
The Reconciliation Problem Aggregation Matrix, Exogenous and Endogenous Constraints
Adjustment Criterion: PFD and PROP Multivariate Denton PFD and proportional adjustment procedure
A Combined Criterion: PFD-PROP Bikker et al (2013)
Analysis of Discrepancies Temporal and Contemporaneous Constraints
Discrepancies by industry Aggregated from 830 industries at 6-digit NAICS to 65 industries at 3-digit NAICS level of detail
Discrepancies of 12 Major Industries and 13 Major Commodities Aggregated from disaggregated preliminary data (in $)
Exercise in This Study
Main Results Focus on 43 Major Aggregates
Assessment of Results Levels
Assessment of Results Growth Rates
Main Results: Performance of PFD, PROP and PFD-PROP
Comparison of PFD, PROP and PFD-PROP Summary Measure of Adjustment
Comparison of PFD, PROP and PFD-PROP Reconciliation at Disaggregated and Aggregated levels using PROP
Comparison of PFD, PROP and PFD-PROP Reconciliation at Disaggregated and Aggregated levels using PFD
Comparison of PFD, PROP and PFD-PROP Reconciliation at Disaggregated and Aggregated levels using PFD-PROP
Comparison of PFD, PROP and PFD-PROP Reconciliation at Disaggregated and Aggregated Levels
Conclusion and Further Development
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