Vietnam and the End of the Cold War Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
Vietnam and the Cold War 10 20 30 40 50
When the French left Vietnam, why did the United States step in? Question 1 - 10 When the French left Vietnam, why did the United States step in?
Answer 1 – 10 Protect the pro-Western government in South Vietnam
Question 1 - 20 Nightly news coverage of the Vietnam War on television had what affect on Americans?
Created a credibility gap, people doubted the government’s honesty. Answer 1 – 20 Created a credibility gap, people doubted the government’s honesty.
Question 1 - 30 The Tet Offensive marked a major turning point in the Vietnam War because?
Answer 1 – 30 The size of the Communist attack caused more Americans to feel the war could not be won
What was Glasnost (“Openness”)? Question 1 - 40 What was Glasnost (“Openness”)?
Gorbechev’s reforms allowing Soviet people to openly discuss politics Answer 1 – 40 Gorbechev’s reforms allowing Soviet people to openly discuss politics
What was Perestroika (“Restructuring”)? Question 1 - 50 What was Perestroika (“Restructuring”)?
Answer 1 – 50 Gorbachev’s new economic structure in Russia which included some capitalist reforms and profit making.
What did the Pentagon Papers reveal? Question 2 - 10 What did the Pentagon Papers reveal?
The government had not been honest with the public about Vietnam Answer 2 – 10 The government had not been honest with the public about Vietnam
Question 2 - 20 During the Vietnam War, Americans planes dropped what type of bombs in order to burn down the jungle?
Answer 2 – 20 Napalm
Question 2 - 30 How did the Geneva Accords of 1954 (after the French had lost there) affect Vietnam?
Answer 2 – 30 Temporarily divided North and South Vietnam until a free election could be held
What were the results of the Question 2 - 40 What were the results of the battle of Dien Bien Phu?
The French lost and decided to withdraw from Indochina Answer 2 – 40 The French lost and decided to withdraw from Indochina
The Vietminh formed initially in Vietnam for what two reasons? Question 2 - 50 The Vietminh formed initially in Vietnam for what two reasons?
Answer 2 – 50 Push the Japanese out of Vietnam and gain independence from French colonial rule.
Question 3 - 10 Kennedy felt that he needed to stand up to communism in Vietnam because of?
Democrats had been blamed for losing China to communism Answer 3 – 10 Democrats had been blamed for losing China to communism
Question 3 - 20 A main reason President Johnson refused to order a full-scale invasion of North Vietnam was his fear that, like had happened in Korea, it would?
Bring China into the war Answer 3 – 20 Bring China into the war
What event happened at “My Lai” that shocked Americans? Question 3 - 30 What event happened at “My Lai” that shocked Americans?
Unarmed Vietnamese civilians were massacred and raped by U.S. troops
In South Vietnam, a monk set himself on fire to protest? Question 3 - 40 In South Vietnam, a monk set himself on fire to protest?
Diem’s laws discriminating against Buddhists Answer 3 – 40 Diem’s laws discriminating against Buddhists
Why did the United States originally send aid to help the Vietminh? Question 3 - 50 Why did the United States originally send aid to help the Vietminh?
They were fighting to push out Japanese forces in WWII Answer 3 – 50 They were fighting to push out Japanese forces in WWII
Question 4 - 10 President Johnson refused to allow a full-scale attack on the Ho Chi Minh Trail because?
It passed through Laos and Cambodia which were neutral in the war Answer 4 – 10 It passed through Laos and Cambodia which were neutral in the war
The Vietcong’s power in South Vietnam continued to increase because? Question 4 - 20 The Vietcong’s power in South Vietnam continued to increase because?
Answer 4 – 20 The Vietcong’s use of terror/intimidation, the effects of American napalm and agent orange on civilians, and attacks on villages.
Question 4 - 30 The “War Powers Act” was an attempt to resolve the problems that had been caused by what previous act of Congress?
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Answer 4 – 30 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
What made fighting in Vietnam so difficult for American soldiers? Question 4 - 40 What made fighting in Vietnam so difficult for American soldiers?
Answer 4 – 40 Vietcong guerrilla fighting tactics Vietcong’s ability to melt into the civilian population American military tactics (napalm, agent orange, civilian deaths) turning many South Vietnamese to the Vietcong’s side
Question 4 - 50
Answer 4 – 50
The collapse of the Soviet economy was mostly due to? Question 5 - 10 The collapse of the Soviet economy was mostly due to?
Inefficient central planning and huge expenditures on the arms race Answer 5 – 10 Inefficient central planning and huge expenditures on the arms race
Question 5 - 20 Nixon’s decision to invade Cambodia without permission angered Congress, leading them repeal w
A repeal of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Answer 5 – 20 A repeal of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Why was Diem’s South Vietnamese government so unpopular? Question 5 - 30 Why was Diem’s South Vietnamese government so unpopular?
Answer 5 – 30 Diem was a Catholic who discriminated against his country’s Buddhist majority
Question 5 - 40 Name a few characteristics of the “counter-culture” movement?
Answer 5 – 40 Long hair, peace signs and recycled clothes Rejection of traditional beliefs Rock’n’Roll music
Question 5 - 50 The Supreme Court case, Tinker vs. Des Moines, addressed the question of?
Answer 5 – 50 Free speech