WHAT IS NDASC? A voluntary organisation that exists for the benefit of swimmer development in Nairn and the surrounding area. Committee and Lead Coach led. Exists primarily for the development of swimmers for the competitive arena. SASA affiliated and swiMark Plus accredited Links with Highland Swim Team for the progression of talented swimmer development. SASA – Scottish Amateur Swimming Association. National Governing Body (NGB) for Scotland. Links with British Swimming - ASA Literally ‘governs’ the sport and development of athletes and coaches. Supports clubs and the development of swimming across the country. Based at the National Academy of Swimming in Stirling University Campus.
A NGB quality standard which clubs are measured against. NDASC accredited for swiMark in spring 2011. swiMark Plus achieved in December 2014. First Highland club to achieve the award. Confirms for parents that we are running a quality programme that is child/athlete centred.
FOUR MAIN SQUADS Bronze Squad – entry level for swimmers who have completed the lesson programme. Prepares swimmers technically for the Silver Squad. Silver Squad – early competitive squad focusing on technical development and aerobic conditioning. Prepares swimmers for Gold Squad and targets referral for Junior Development Squads of Highland Swim Team (HST). Gold Squad – active and occasional competitive squad focusing on development of endurance and speed. Prepares swimmers for HST and Junior Development Squads. Gold Elite Squad – advanced/top competitive squad focusing on development of endurance and speed. Specific criteria applies. Entry criteria for each squad is essential to ensure swimmers are ready for the type of tuition and training they will receive.
BRONZE SQUAD – ENTRY CRITERIA 2 x 50m of F/C, B/C and Brst. 2 x 25m undulative kick on front or back without floatation aid. 2 x 25m of F/C, B/C and Brst drill. Perform basic sculling both feet and head first. Perform a forward roll or F/C tumble turn if able. Perform a head first entry into the water from the side or block. Perform a correct, streamlined push and glide on front and back. Demonstrate an ability to climb out of deep water unaided. Demonstrate a willingness and ability to listen and be instructed. Working towards: Silver Squad
SILVER SQUAD – CRITERIA Observe basic training principles such as lane discipline, use of the pace clock. Present for training sessions on time and appropriately prepared (cap/goggles/water bottle). Prepare and present for in-house competitions and competitions identified by and agreed with the Coaching Team. Attendance >75% Ability to cover a distance of 1000m per hour in training (session design dependant).
SILVER SQUAD – CRITERIA Swim 200m F/C continuously, holding stroke integrity and using bilateral breathing and tumble turns. Swim 100m B/C continuously, holding stroke integrity and using tumble turns. Swim 50m Breaststroke continuously, holding stroke integrity and legal kick and using appropriate turn. Swim 25m Butterfly with level undulating body, vertical leg action and with arms clearing the water. Perform racing start. Working towards: Gold Squad and Junior Development of Highland Swim Team
GOLD SQUAD – CRITERIA Swim 400m F/C continuously, holding stroke pattern in accordance with SASA stroke laws and using bilateral breathing and tumble turns. Swim 200m B/C continuously, holding stroke pattern in accordance with SASA stroke laws and using tumble turns. Swim 100m Breaststroke continuously holding stroke pattern in accordance with SASA stroke laws and using appropriate turns. Swim 50m Butterfly continuously holding stroke pattern in accordance with SASA stroke laws and using appropriate turn. Swim 100m IM in accordance with SASA stroke laws and with legal turns. Perform all turns in accordance with SASA laws. Working towards: Highland Swim Team, Highland Swim Team Junior Development Squads or Fitness Squad.
GOLD SQUAD – CRITERIA Demonstrate full understanding of the principles of lane discipline and use of pace clock. Present for training sessions on time and well prepared with the appropriate equipment (cap/goggles/water bottle). Prepare and present for in-house, graded, district development and district competitions (as able) as identified and agreed with the Coaching Team. Attendance >75% Ability to cover a distance of 1500m per hour in training (session design dependant).
GOLD ELITE Must meet all of the criteria for Gold Squad plus: Actively participating in land training as recommended by the Head Coach, prioritising specifically the sessions with the clubs Lead Land Trainer, as available. If swimmers are not attending the club based programme they must be working on an individualised gym programme approved by the Institute of Sport or Highland Swim Team National Coach. Selected into Highland Swim Team National Squad (some flexibility at coach discretion if likely to be in the squad in the ensuing 3 months) Or: Selected into the District Regional Squads by Scottish Swimming. Or: Selected into the DSE Scottish Senior Squad at a level able to cope with pace and intensity of training.
TRAINING STRUCTURE & DESIGN The swimmers train using recommended teaching practices and drills in accordance with World Class Potential 200 IM programme – a British Swimming document. Why shouldn’t we aspire high! In line with Long Term Athlete Development Plan (LTAD) using identified and recommended levels of training for the different age groups as far as we can deliver within our limitations.
Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) What is it? A model for the development of athletes that takes cognisance of recommended skills development and volumes and intensities of training required to produce athletes for the international arena.
PRINCIPLES OF LTAD Acknowledges it takes approximately 10yrs or 10,000 hours for talented athletes to achieve sporting excellence. There are no short cuts!! Establishes a clear swimmer pathway. Not following LTAD results in plateau or worsening of performance and ultimately drop out from the sport.
CURRENT SPORTS SYSTEM ISSUES IN BRITAIN TODAY Young athletes under-train and over-compete. Training in early years focuses on outcome (winning) rather than process. Chronological rather than biological age influences training and competition. Critical periods of accelerated adaptation are not fully utilised. Poor training between ages 6 – 16 cannot be corrected and swimmers never reach their potential.
LTAD FRAMEWORK FUNdamentals – basic movement literacy. (5 – 8yrs for females/6 – 9yrs for males) Swim Skills – building technique. (8 – 11yrs for females/9 – 12yrs for males) Training to Train – building the engine. (11 – 14yrs for females/12 – 15yrs for males) Training to Compete – optimising the engine. (14 – 16yrs for females/15 – 18yrs for males) Training to Win – maximising the engine. (16yrs + for females/18yrs + for males)
HOW LTAD APPLIES TO NDASC FUNdamentals – developing basic skills, technique and movement literacy – Swim School. SwimSkills – further developing technique and skills, learning to warm up and cool down, hydration and nutrition, recovery and focusing. Mainly Bronze and lower end of Silver. Training to Train – top end of Silver into Gold. Emphasis is on aerobic conditioning. High volume/low intensity training that cannot be best achieved in a limited timescale. Time commitment to training should increase significantly during this period. Training to compete – Gold Squad upper end and Gold Elite. Training to win – we’re not there – YET! This is the level of the elite athlete.
WHAT IS HST? A composite team accepting swimmers from affiliated clubs in Highland. Voluntary organisation. Committee and Lead Coach led. Comprises National and Junior Development Squads and Swim Skills. Exists for the benefit of progression of swimmers with demonstrated talent. Clear criteria for entry into National and Junior Squads. Offers supplementary training through training weekends and additional sessions based in Inverness Aquadome. Supports and facilitates Teacher/Coach education. Highland swimming redesigned in the last year and a half – early days - new performance coach appointed and new programme to be bedded in.
COMPETITIONS Ladder of progression Club competitions. Mini-meets – age dependent. Graded meets Regional or open meets. District meets – development, age groups, open and championship. National – ‘SNAGS’ Readiness to participate in competitions is the decision of the Head Coach in collaboration with the swimmer. Entries are usually done via the Meet Secretary who will give a general indication of who meets are targeted at in an invite e-mail. Requires parental support e.g. Chaperone, time-keeper, judge, poolside. Training given for official roles. Disqualifications are simply learning needs!
DISTRICT REGIONAL PROGRAMME Often referred to as DRP. NGB selection process for talented swimmers Selected from specific time based criteria – only from accredited meets. Progression is onto Senior Bronze – Silver – Gold squads - unrelated to ours. Feeds into Scottish Youth Squad. Offers additional training opportunities with elite coaches – training days and camps.
BENEFITS OF CLUB TRAINING AND COMPETITION Become skilled swimmers enabling participation in other leisure activities. Personal safety - can be a life saving skill! Increased personal fitness and wellbeing. Social benefits – broaden friendships. Develops self-sufficiency and confidence. Learn to connect hard work and perseverance with positive outcome. Learn to deal with success and failure. Learn to deal with a competitive arena – life is a competitive sport!
The Elephant In The Room! How to present for training – FLUIDS!! Caps, goggles and swim kit. The competitive environment of any sport club is a powerful ‘arena’ for parents and young children! Don’t interfere in the coaching process – it undermines the swimmer-coach relationship which is then unrecoverable. Session allocation and squad placing are the Head Coach’s decision. Development opportunities are always maximised but the Head Coach has the final say! Do not disturb the coaching team while coaching! Parent code of conduct – please raise any concerns in a reasonable manner bearing in mind the club is run mainly by volunteers. Swimmers also have a code of conduct. Good behaviour is always expected! The changing rooms!! Where does the clubs responsibility begin and end? Get involved helping out – the club cannot function without volunteers and it keeps you better informed!