Simsbury Board of Education January 28, 2014
Simsbury Public Schools January 28, 2014 Responding to Educational & Organizational Needs
Responding to Educational & Organizational Needs Technology Equipment and Staffing Ready Set Go Program Facilitator Ready Set Go Support Staff Out of District Tuition Estimated impact of budget requests $750,000
Access to Technology Drivers Rationale Assessing State Level - Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) Grades 3-8, & 11 {ALL STUDENTS} District Level – Embedding technologies into pre-assessments, frequent on-the-spot assessments, and summative assessments in order to measure student growth Learning Providing students the media they need to engage in powerful, authentic learning experiences in a digital learning environment. Promoting higher-order thinking skills; ensuring that all students have the skills they need to be successful in college and the workforce. Teaching Providing educators the media they need to create powerful, authentic learning experiences in a digital learning environment to engage students. Supporting transformative classroom practice by effectively incorporating new technologies into classroom instruction.
Technology Rich Classrooms A Technology Rich Classroom in the SPS: Poised to seamlessly implement the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) Moving toward Ready-Access for instruction and student learning Ensures that teacher instruction and instructional tasks provide students with powerful, engaging, and deep learning experiences
SPS Technology – Critical Elements Technology that supports: Assessing, Learning, and Teaching Assessing Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) District / Local Assessments Learning and Teaching: Increased Accessibility – Ready-Access Student - actively engaged in powerful learning experiences and acquiring necessary digital skills Educator - planning, instruction, and assessment IT Infrastructure / Staffing Virtualization – performance, speed Wireless – performance, reliability Staffing – Technician for technical support
Enrollment Note: 2014-15 calculations are projected. Year K-6 7-8 9-12 Total 2008-09 2507 838 1563 4908 2009-10 2435 827 1576 4838 2010-11 2348 805 1578 4731 2011-12 2235 792 1620 4647 2012-13 2188 748 1565 4501 2013-14 2075 727 1528 4330 2014-15 (P) 2049 1477 4253 Decline (projected) -458 -111 -86 -655 Note: 2014-15 calculations are projected.
Historical Enrollment Trend .
Elementary Classroom Teacher Staffing Year K-6 Enrollment Elementary Classroom Teachers 2008-09 2507 109.5 2009-10 2435 2010-11 2348 106 2011-12 2235 104 2012-13 2188 108 2013-14 2101 105 2014-15 (P) 2049 100 Decline -458 -9.5
Elementary Class Information School 13/14 Sections 14/15 Enrollment (P) 14/15 Sections (P) Sections +/- 14/15 Class Sizes (P) K (18-22) 19.7 Central 2 43 22 21 Latimer 3 55 18 19 Squadron 76 4 +1 Tariffville 40 20 Tootin’ 42 1 (18-22) 20.5 Central 3 41 2 -1 20 21 Latimer 63 +1 Squadron 4 78 19 Tariffville 42 Tootin’ 43 22 2 (18-22) 20.2 Central 67 4 +2 16 17 Latimer 3 43 -1 21 22 Squadron 74 18 19 Tariffville 40 20 Tootin’ 59
Elementary Enrollment School 13/14 Sections 14/15 Enrollment (P) 14/15 Sections (P) Sections +/- 14/15 Class Sizes (P) 3 (21-25) 19.9 Central 43 2 -1 21 22 Latimer 56 18 19 Squadron 4 86 Tariffville 41 20 Tootin’ 53 +1 17 4 (21-25) 20.9 Central 3 57 19 Latimer 61 20 21 Squadron 5 89 -1 22 23 Tariffville 2 39 Tootin’ 47 24 5 (21-25) 21.9 Central 3 57 19 Latimer 4 64 -1 21 22 Squadron 98 24 25 Tariffville 2 42 Tootin’ 67 23 6 (21-25) 21.4 Central 3 57 19 Latimer 4 73 -1 24 25 Squadron 5 113 22 23 Tariffville 2 40 20 Tootin’ 60
Henry James Memorial Staffing Year 7-8 Enrollment HJMS Certified Staffing 2008-09 838 68.24 2009-10 827 67.34 2010-11 805 66.48 2011-12 792 65.38 2012-13 748 64.48 2013-14* 727 63.17 2014-15 (P) 59.17 Decline -111 -9.07 *Program Implementations: 2013-14: Instructional Coaches (Literacy & Shared Math)
Projected Enrollment Henry James Memorial School (3 teams) Grade 14-15 Enrollment (P) Average Team Size Average Class Size (Guideline: 21-25) 7 355 118.3 23.6 8 372 124 24.8
Simsbury High School Staffing School Year SHS Enrollment SHS Certified Staffing 2008-09 1563 128.86 2009-10 1576 125.46 2010-11 1578 123.76 2011-12* 1620 130.46 2012-13 1565 131.66 2013-14* 1528 130.76 2014-15 (P) 1477 127.76 Decline -86 -1.1 *Program Implementations: 2011-12: 8-Period Day (6.0 FTE) 2013-14: Instructional Coach – English & Shared Math
Staffing Reductions Comparisons School Year Staffing Reduction Enrollment Decline 2008-09 to 2013-14 -49.05 -578 % Decrease - 7% - 11.7%
Responding to Educational & Organizational Needs Special Education Overview Ready, Set, Go Growth Out of District Tuition Technology Staffing
Special Education paraprofessionals paraprofessionals Programs and Services Special Education One:One ABA /Discreet Trial Highest Tier of Special Education Significant Supports Students provided services individualized designed academic instruction within special education classrooms and are often removed from core general education content instruction. Increasing Supports and Services Students provided remediation and intervention within specialized resource rooms with some access to paraprofessional/special education teacher supports within general education classrooms Lowest Tier of Special Education Intervention Serving the greatest number of students with IEPs within general education and resource room settings RSG RSG paraprofessionals paraprofessionals Functional Academic Learning Program Functional Academic Learning Program Specialized Resource Room Specialized Resource Room
33 RSG Students projected Ready, Set, Go Growth 2013-14 +6 RSG students 22% growth February 15, 2014 33 RSG Students projected December 31, 2013 31 RSG Students October 1, 2013 27 RSG Students
Responding to Educational & Organizational Needs Ready Set Go Program Facilitator Ready Set Go Support Staff Out of District Tuition Technology Equipment and Staffing
Program Improvement Cost Drivers
Simsbury Board of Education January 28, 2014