VFA-141 “WOLFPACK” SOPs for Air-to-Ground Attack (DCS/BMS Squadron)
A-G SOPs, VFA-141 Consider the following procedures to be a very basic SOP based on a hypothetical situation where there are almost zero air or ground threats. In other words, listen to your flight lead to determine the best course of action in any engagement. When ingressing to target, never drop a bomb or fire a missile without clearance from the flight lead. If unsure ask “permission to fire.” Example calls from flight lead will include “Weapons Free” and “Cleared Hot” Your flight lead may use the following brevity to initiate the attack without saying so over the radio: “Action [DIRECTION/OFFSET]” – e.g. “Outlaw Action Right” would ask you to roll in from right of the IP if an offset is required
A-G SOPs, VFA-141
APPENDIX: ENTERING KOTAR KOTAR Control, this is [Callsign], consisting of [#] F/A-18s checking in. Loadout is [#] rounds 20mm cannon, [#] GBUs, [#] cluster bombs, [#] dumb bombs… Play time is 30 minutes. Flight lead will notify when commencing run: [Callsign] is commencing run, in from the north for [30 minutes].”
A-G SOPs, VFA-141 Other notes: In A-G engagements or when ingressing to a target, the best thing a flight can do is to build the picture of what is to be expected regarding threat(s) and target(s). Make informative calls to wingmen and other flights such as a SEAD flight. Spend as little time over the target as possible to minimize risk. Do not violate the hard deck – if you do on accident, inform your lead with brevity code “[Callsign] is breaking the deck.”
TRAINING MISSION: LIVE-FIRE PRACTICE AT PIL-SUNG RANGE (KOTAR) SITUATION: General peacetime training operations off of the east coast of the Korean peninsula. Nearby friendly forces include NATO and ROKAF units operating in the area. Hostile MISSION: F/A-18Cs will conduct target practice on unmanned “dummy” targets at Pil-sung training range in order to improve package and flight coordination. It is the intent of the commander to allow instructor pilots and commanding officers the ability to assess combat effectiveness and airmanship. Target priority will be set by flight lead to practice specific ordinance types. EXECUTION: Four Hornets from VFA-141 callsign “Outlaw 1” will take off NLT 07:45:00 and push to the target NLT 07:53:08. Between takeoff and push, the flight will contact range control at Pil-sung at UHF 306.80 (callsign: “KOTAR Control”) and communicate an intent to enter KOTAR and ingress from the north. ADMINISTRATION/LOGISTICS: Camel 1 (KDC-10) will be providing refueling southwest of the target range. Chalis 1 (E-2C) will be providing AWACS support southeast of the carrier task force. Angel 1 (MH- 60S) will be providing SAR patrols and is currently training near the task force. COMMAND AND SIGNAL: UHF 15 will be preset to channel 226.00 to communicate with Golden Eagle, Red Crown, and Strike. Chalis will operate on UHF 13 and Camel will operate on UHF 18. Refer to data card and area air control for TACAN frequencies. Intra-package communications to take place on VHF 6 unless package leader decides otherwise. WEATHER: Mostly sunny to fair conditions. Temperatures around 15-20 degrees Celsius. Winds near the carrier coming out of the northwest at about 5 knots. Winds near the target area coming out of the northeast at about 5 knots.
Weather Report