RULES OF THE GAME Students will be divided into two teams. Opposing teams will select who goes first by a coin toss. Team members must decide which category they will choose from and select one member to answer questions on behalf of the team. Teams who shout answers before being acknowledged will loose points. Daily Double questions are worth double points for teams that get the answers correct.
Español 101 Mi Familia Saludos ¿Cómo es? Mi Escuela $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Español 101 $100 Which colour is ‘green’ in Spanish? Verde
Español 101 $200 What is the capital of España? Madrid
Español 101 $300 Miguel es de Argentina , es ________? Argentino
Español 101 $400 Pluralize the following Spanish noun ‘el lápiz? Los lapices
Español 101 $500 What is the Spanish for ? Veinticinco
Mi Familia $100 Who in the family is ‘la sobrina’? niece
Mi Familia $200 Soy la madre de Conchita, ella es mi __________? Hija
Mi Familia $300 State the Spanish for ‘kitchen’? la cocina
Mi Familia $400 How would you introduce your father to your Spanish teacher? Profesora, Este es mi papa, _________.
Mi Familia $500 Translate to Spanish, “Where is your sister? ¿Dónde está tu hermana?
Saludos $100 What is the most popular Spanish greeting? Hola
Saludos $200 How would you tell someone that ‘it’s a pleasure to meet you. Mucho gusto/ encantada/o
Saludos $300 What does ‘hasta mañana’ mean in English? See you tomorrow
Saludos $400 How would you ask an adult how he/she is doing? ¿Cómo está usted?
Saludos $500 Tell your bestfriend ‘we’ll see each other’ in Spanish. Nos vemos
¿Cómo es? $100 Give the English for the word ‘grande’ Big
¿Cómo es? $200 What is the opposite Spanish word for ‘alto’? bajo
¿Cómo es? $300 Tell your friend that your sister is intelligent. Mi Hermana es inteligente.
¿Cómo es? $400 Someone asks ‘¿Cómo es tu casa?’, what is he/she asking? What is your house like?/ Describe your house.
¿Cómo es? $500 Change these three feminine adjectives to their masculine form (linda, negra, aplicada) Lindo, negro, aplicado
Mi Escuela $100 Which object is ‘la pizarra’? blackboard
Mi Escuela $200 What is the Spanish for desk? El pupitre/el escritorio
Mi Escuela $300 How do you say ‘window and door’ in Spanish La ventana y la puerta
Mi Escuela $400 Say that ‘the book is on the table’ El libro está en la mesa.
Mi Escuela $500 Give the Spanish for the following ‘My teacher’s name is Miss Brown’ Mi profesora/maestra se llama Señorita Brown./ El nombre de mi profesora/maestro es Señorita Brown.