“Guerrilla Warfare” “Tactics of sabotage or harassment”


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Presentation transcript:

“Guerrilla Warfare” “Tactics of sabotage or harassment” Common symptoms: Habit of fighting Desire to hurt physically and/or mentally REFUSAL to reason

“Guerrilla Warfare” Results Absolutely NO love for Christ or God’s Word Absolutely NO harmony in the home The children are ALWAYS neglected! They never WANT to go home They are NEVER happy with or around parents

“Guerrilla Warfare” Cure For changing fighting to reasoning … Isaiah 1:18 James 4: 1 – 10 For replacing their LACK of love Christ and God’s Word … Ephesians 6: 1- 4 Matthew 6:33

“Devitalized Marriage” “Lacking LIFE in the marriage” Common symptoms HAD a good marriage, but “something happened” Interests in THINGS instead of each other. A “you go your way, I’ll go mine” mentality. They exist for the sake of appearance.

“Devitalized Marriage” Results ADULTERY is common – Matthew 5:28 Sexuality is lost with the spouse – 1 Cor. 7: 1- 5 Children scar without an outward sign of abuse

“Devitalized Marriage” Cure 1 Corinthians 7: 1- 5 Matthew 19: 3 – 6 Ephesians 5:33

“Passive Marriage” Apathetic at best; “go along to get along” without expression of real concern for the other spouse Common symptoms Married because “it was the thing to do” They place interest in their own prestige and seldom any interest in each other and less in their children.

“Passive Marriage” Results There is very little if any bible study; that which does exist is more for “show” than LEARNING GOD’S WAY. They remain WILLFULLY ignorant of TRUE happiness.

“Passive Marriage” Cure 1 Peter 1:22 – 23 1 John 4:12 It requires WORK Romans 12:16 Romans 15:5 1 Thessalonians 3:12

“Vital Marriage” Actively working to improve GODLINESS in the home – 2 Pet. 1:3 Common REALITIES Common interest of VITAL importance to the increase of godliness and contentment. They use JESUS as mediator 1 Timothy 2:15 Ephesians 4:26 1 Peter 3: 8 - 9

“Vital Marriage” Results More loving and cooperation Children are raised according to God’s Word Others see and use the examples for good in their own lives

“Vital Marriage” Cure Needs no “cure” – Titus 3:8 1 Thessalonians 4: 1- 7

A PROVEN marriage of godliness, contentment and happiness! “Totally Committed” A PROVEN marriage of godliness, contentment and happiness! Common REALITIES Totally given to God and His Word! They CONSISTENTLY ask G od’s will and follow it!

All these are PERFECTLY ACCEPTED AND OBEYED! “Totally Committed” Results Matthew 6:33 Romans 8:28 Ephesians 5: 15 -21 All these are PERFECTLY ACCEPTED AND OBEYED! Revelation 2:10 1 Peter 3:7