6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Visions February 12, 2017 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cover Follow the directions in the circle
Homework: Read pages 32- 34 and complete the handout I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange gods before me. To believe in God, to hope in God and to love God Placing nothing before God You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Use the name of God and Jesus with love & respect Never call the Lord to harm others Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. Attend Mass & allow time for family Also on holy days of obligations Honor your father and your mother. Owe parent respect, gratitude, just obedience and assistance Respect & cooperate with civil authorities to establish a just community
6. You shall not commit adultery. 7. You shall not steal. 5. You shall not kill. Respect all human life Make unjust verbal attacks or action that harm the spirt of another To do everything possible to prevent war 6. You shall not commit adultery. Respect your body & the bodies of others 7. You shall not steal. Unjustly taking or using someone else’ property Be just & charitable in sharing your possessions God’s creation exists for the good of all 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Not lie in order to deceive someone Detract from another person’s reputation Repair the reputation of the injured person
You shall not covert your neighbor’s wife. Desire to commit sexual sins Strive for the virtues of modest & purity Show respect for others 10. You shall not covert your neighbor your neighbors good. To want for yourself what belongs to another Not to envy
Gospel page 4: Matthew 5:17-37 Theme: Jesus’ law is love 4 voices Talk questions
“What Does Jesus’ New Law Ask of Us?” P. 6-7 Read Living the Gospel together Read Doctrine together Jesus wants us to do more Take responsibility for the choice we make We cannot love God without living and reconciling with our brothers/sisters Group Work: each group takes a section, Then presents to the class. At the end of the presentation all students will have all the answers Old Law New Law Bible Study The Fifth Commandment My own Commandments