ACCESS-MH Atlantic Canada Children’s Effective Service Strategies in Mental Health Barriers and Facilitators in Access to Child/Youth Mental Health Services Principal Investigators Dr. Rick Audas (Nominated PI)- Health Economist- MUN Dr. Scott Ronis (PI)- Psychologist- UNB Dr. Kate Tilleczek(PI)- Canada Research Chair (Young Lives)- UPEI & SickKids Dr. Michael Zhang (PI)- Operations Research Expert- SMU Cathy Peyton- Project Manager
Aims Invoke a unique approach to studying youth mental health in Atlantic Canada Reduce barriers and improve quality of access and care Increase system efficiency Provide data for decision making and engaging public and policy makers Focus on Co-morbidity and social determinants: Autism Spectrum, Conduct Disorder, Eating Disorders, Depression/Anxiety
Why this matters Improve the access and coordination of care for a patient group that has historically been under-funded and poorly managed Share the data and models for policy & practice (reduce barriers and improve outcomes) Collect detailed, visual patient journeys to narrate the system
Anticipated impacts series of interactive workshops with stakeholders highlight key findings describing ‘what works’ identifying enablers to access and care
Quantitative Modeling for Healthcare Delivery System Care service C Care service B Patients in the waiting queue Care service A Patients
Key opportunities 1) regional approach to the issue that is in step with other regional approaches (SPOR, PHAC Atlantic Scale Up) 2) the multi-method approach including innovative longitudinal and visual qualitative data collection.
Tips and /or Conundrums The impact of longitudinal visual qualitative data for integrated KT Administrative data collection and sharing