Change Control Overview for the State Technology Resource Center Why are we making these changes? As part of the STO’s process improvement plan, Change Control has been identified as the central process with direct feeds to all Data Center critical processes including asset management, capacity planning, problem management and others. Change control is only the first of many process improvements that will be implemented over the next several months. Why is Change Control so important? Change is the number one cause of problems in any technology environment. The changes being implemented will help us coordinate and reduce the risk associated with any change. Although risk can never be totally eliminated, it is our hope that by providing a central point of management and tracking of change effectiveness, we can reduce risk to acceptable levels.
Change Control Process Overview What is the difference between the new process and the old process? All changes must be submitted and approved by Tuesday, close of business, for the upcoming week and weekend. Changes are reviewed for collisions and may be rescheduled depending on other factors. All changes are reviewed by the Change Control Board (CCB). All changes are followed up to ensure the modifications were completed as scheduled. Metrics will be developed and distributed to all shareholders who track the effectiveness of changes. An emergency change process has been defined to allow emergency changes that meet certain criteria, to be implemented in an expedited manner. Use of Magic as the workflow tool for Change Control processing.
Weekly Change Meetings The CCB will conduct a meeting every Wednesday to: Review the schedule of all new changes Review all Minor, Normal and Emergency changes that were processed during the week Review changes that were rejected or failed from the previous weeks schedule Review all successful completions Items generated from this meeting will include: Update to the Magic change calendar Meeting minutes distributed to all Stakeholders Quality metrics tracking process improvements The CCB will conduct a weekly customer conference call: Thursday at 1:00 p.m. The Call-in number is 850-487-9580, SUCOM 277-9580. Review Meeting Minutes and gather customer feedback and concerns Make appropriate changes to the schedule distribute revised meeting minutes to all stakeholders.
Change Control Process Flow
Change Control Process Timeline Weekly Schedule: Monday: Notification: Upcoming Week 1: weekend’s changes and the results of the previous weekends changes when necessary. Tuesday: COB: All changes for the Week/ Weekend opened in the Magic tool for CCB review. Wednesday: CCB Meeting: Review and approve: Changes for the upcoming Week/Weekend, Review completed and failed changes and Re-approve any rejected changes from previous weekend for the upcoming Week/Weekend due to CCB and or Customer Review. Meeting Minutes to all stakeholders Thursday: Weekly Customer Meeting at 1:00 p.m. Dial in: SC:277-9580 or 850-487-9580. revised Minutes sent out. Thurs - Tues 6:00 a.m.: Execute approved changes for the week/weekend. Repeat process.
Change Control Calendar Below is a schedule of all opened change events to be, or which have been, reviewed and scheduled by the CCB. To view the calendar go to: Emergency Change: Displayed in “red”. Requires ECCB approval and is implemented immediately. Normal Change: Displayed in “yellow”. Requires CCB approval and implemented per schedule. Minor Change: Displayed in “light green”. Requires no approvals and is implemented per schedule.