Procedures for Taught Degree students seeking YSJU Research Ethics Approval Does the research involve living human participants, their tissue or their data; NHS patients, staff or resources; have the potential for adverse environmental impact; involve scientific and medical research with animals? Does the research pose significant ethical issues? Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 & 4 Route 5 If No, complete screening checklist..If all responses are no If Yes, complete screening checklist..If all responses are no If Yes, complete screening checklist..If some responses are yes and only coloured blue If Yes, complete screening checklist..If any responses are yes and coloured red. YSJU ethical approval is not required If in doubt, consult the Chair of the Research Ethics Committee supporting your cognate area, the Module Leader or members of the Module Research Ethics Panel. Submit an application for ethical approval to the Module Research Ethics Panel. This should contain an outline of the project, a completed screening checklist, and relevant appendices (e.g. informed consent, survey instruments, interview schedules etc). In the description of the project, the applicant should identify the ethical issues that have been considered, state that the ethical issues pose no more than minimal risk, and request that the project is considered for ethical approval by means of expedited review. Complete the questions on the decision tree If all responses to questions are “No” If some responses to questions are “Yes” Submit an application for ethical approval and a complete mitigation form to the Module Research Ethics Panel. This should contain an outline of the project, a completed screening checklist, the completed ethical mitigation form and relevant appendices (e.g. informed consent, survey instruments, interview schedules etc). Submit a full ethics proposal to the Module Research Ethics Panel Please do not begin your research until you have received formal written approval from the Module Leader, confirming the decision of the Module Research Ethics Panel. If the project changes after receiving ethics approval, a further amended application for ethical approval will be required.