International & Intranational Placements Information Session November 14, 2016 Delivered by: Dr. Annette Bailey, RN, BScN, MSN, PhD Associate Director, Collaborative Degree Program Gina Marasco, RN, BScN, MSN Manager, Office of Simulation, Student Placements and Advising (OSSPA)
Agenda Welcome Background Process Q&A Introduction (GLOBE Committee, Rural Placements, History, Goals, Terms of Reference) Academic Criteria Process Preparation Planning stages Documents and useful resources Website links Q&A
Introduction GLOBE Committee Global Learning Opportunities and Broadening Experiences History: Enhancing Student Engagement and Success Health: A Global Perspective Goals, Terms of Reference: To develop and enhance curriculum opportunities for students in the areas of global health and rural nursing in relationship to the University, Faculty of Community Services, and School of Nursing academic plans
Academic Criteria Must have at least an A- average Must be in clear standing throughout their entire academic career Must be in phase with courses, no decisions of academic or non-academic misconduct or in process to investigate for same Must have history of compliance with schools code of professional behaviour, letter of reference from NCL 700/NSE417 teacher Must have agreement with Course Lead and Associate Director
Preparation Begin process early by asking yourself questions such as: Am I a suitable candidate to do an international or intranational (rural) placement? Can I afford to go – how will I finance my experience? How will this be of help to me in achieving my future career goals in the field?
Planning Stages Checklist planning (download from CPO website) Stage One (nine to twelve months before departure) – e.g. locating potential placement and preceptor, discussing plans with FA/coordinator, travel risk form Stage Two (eight to three months before departure) – e.g. immunizations, financial planning, visas, meeting Ryerson International Stage Three (must be completed at least one week before departure) – waiver, WSIB, orientation details for site
Useful Documents and Resources Letter of introduction and letter confirming student status (official communication from Ryerson to placement site) Interview questions (questions used to assess your suitability for international placement) Document checklist (similar to the planning checklist) Journal/Blog recommendations
Important websites Central Placement Office International and Intranational Placement Info: Ryerson International: