STFC SHE Code 1 Lone Working


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Presentation transcript:

STFC SHE Code 1 Lone Working

Who should use this presentation & read this policy STFC staff and their managers STFC site tenants Those responsible for contractors, visitors, or facility users at STFC sites.

What is Lone Working? Lone working can take place anywhere anytime. Lone working occurs when someone works such that their location is not known by others, and they have neither visual nor audible communication with someone who can summon assistance or provide first aid. Lone working can occur on and off STFC sites. Lone working may be planned or arise inadvertently by the departure others, frequently at the end of working day, but equally during the working day.

Why a Lone Working SHE Code Lone working by staff and those that work on our sites is a frequent occurrence. Lone working is not always associated with long or extended working hours, or working out of hours or at weekends. Lone working is, like any other hazard, one that must be considered during the Risk Assessment of an activity or area. Lone workers should not be put at significantly higher risk than those working with others.

Lone Working Permitted Where staff undertake standard office work or IT use, experimental data manipulation/ analysis, and movement around site, or Where lone working controls detailed in the Risk Assessment for the activity are established, for example: provision a lone worker monitoring/alarm system; periodic (at least hourly) “buddy”/contact established through visits, phone or radio communication etc.; or routine out of hours inspections by site security; estates teams; those manning scientific facilities, laboratories, or workshop operations.

Lone Working Forbidden Lone working in the following situations/hazards are not permitted: By apprentices or work experience students in laboratories or workshops; Complex lifting operations; Unfamiliar/non-routine work with ≥ class 3b lasers; Work at height; Working at or near exposed live LV and HV electrical conductors;

Lone Working Forbidden #2 Work in confined spaces or where there’s a significant risk of asphyxiation or exposure to toxic gases, e.g. LN2; Live culture microbiology involving pathogens above Hazard Group 2; Working involving certain classes of work equipment, for example: the use of ladders which cannot be secured and require footing (does not include step ladders < 1.5m); the erection of scaffolding; and workshop machining equipment e.g. lathes or other similar.

Lone Working Forbidden #3 Work with certain chemicals … – it’s not possible to list all chemicals and their toxicity levels for which lone working is a hazard. Hazardous chemicals exist at non-toxic levels in their pure form, compounds, mixtures in many activities However, work with CO, CN, As, F, HF, CrVI and chemicals whose Safety Data Sheets (SDS) hazard or precautionary statements indicate they are: explosive; fatal; cause severe burns; or are poisonous at levels where they can cause harm, is prohibited unless the COSHH risk assessment has been subject to independent review by a SHE Group approved competent person.

Training There is no specific training required by those identified in this SHE Code. Management, staff and others should review this presentation and familiarise themselves with the content of this code. A short BiteSize on-line training package for this code is a helpful means of familiarising yourself and others with key elements of this code.