Status of the CDF II silicon tracking system


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Presentation transcript:

Status of the CDF II silicon tracking system Suen Hou Academia Sinica, Taiwan CPS 2002 THU Taichung, Feb. 4-6, ‘02

Tevatron Upgrades N Luminosity Original design: Upgrades: Bunches 1030 cm-2 s-1 Upgrades: Linac (1993): 2x 1031 cm-2 s-1 Main injector Initial goal: 1032 cm-2 s-1 Recycler (factor of ~2) 2x 1011 antiprotons/hour 3x 1012 antiprotons Re-cool antiprotons from the Tevatron Later Electron cooling Crossing angle Bunches Initially 36x36 at 396 ns Ultimately 141x121 at 132ns 1033 N 100 10 1 0.1 1030 1032 1031 Luminosity <-- 132 ns between crossings

CDF II upgrade WHAT’S NEW Tracking Endplug Calorimeter Muon systems Silicon Tracker Central Outer Tracker Time of Flight Endplug Calorimeter Muon systems Front End Electronics Trigger/DAQ (pipelined) PHYSICS GOALS Higgs & SUSY Top, W Bottom Lot’s more…

CDF Trigger Scheme

CDF II Silicon SVXII (SVX) ISL Layer 00 (L00) Originally the only Silicon in the upgrade w/ Main Goals: Extended coverage with smaller gaps in z and f 3D vertexing Triggering at Level 2 on 2D displaced tracks ISL Extend b-tagging to || = 2 Help link tracks found in the Drift chamber to SVX Layer 00 (L00) Improve impact parameter resolution to increase B tag efficiency In the Level 2 trigger Outlive inner layers of SVX

SVX3 Chip Analog Front End (FE) and Digital Back End (BE) FE has relatively low noise integrator and 42 cell analog pipeline with 4 buffer cells BE has comparator, ADC, and sparse readout Deadtimeless: Capable of analog operations during digitization and readout Dynamic pedestal subtraction (DPS) Enables common mode noise suppression

Layer 00: Beampipe Layer 2.2 cm

Impact Parameter Resolution

Components Silicon (CMS) 25 mm pitch 50 mm readout Breakdown > 500 V Long Signal Cables (CERN) Electronics separated from Silicon by Kapton cables (up to ~ 40 cm long) Hybrids Screened and etched Alumina Silicon Cooled to 0 oC Could extend lifetime of CDF

L00 assembly One f group of strips installed at a time. In every case the strips were aligned to the nominal cylinder axis to better than 50 mm over the 90 cm length. Strips are parallel to better than ~ 55 mrad

Inside SVX Installation clearance: 300 - 450 mm over ~ 2 m Final alignment*: L00 parallel to SVX to ~ 25 mrad

CDF SVX II 3 Barrels: Very Compact design: Electronics mounted directly on silicon to avoid longitudinal gaps. Overlaps in f Radial span ~8 cm for 5 layers !

SVXII Assembly Layer 1 Quarter Ladder Silicon Sensors Jumper Hybrids (phi and z sides) chips

SVXII Barrels

The Intermediate Silicon Layers (ISL) 1 meter The ISL doubles the pseudorapidity range for b tagging and lepton id.

ISL Construction 1.9 m

ISL End View

Silicon Detector Installation silicon cable bundles (to racks) COT face A happy ISL project leader  on January 16th, 2001.

CDF II All Detector Subsystems are now complete

CDF II Silicon Summary

Detector description silicon detector is 15 times larger than in Run1! Layer Inner/Outer Radii [cm] Axial Pitch [mm] Stereo Angle 00 1.35/1.62 25 - 2.5/3.0 60 90 141 1 4.1/4.6 62 125.5 2 6.5/7.0 1.2 3 8.2/8.7 4 10.1/10.6 65 5 Forward 19.7/20.2 112 5 Central 22.6/23.1 6 Forward 28.6/29.0 376 modules, 722432 RO channels silicon detector is 15 times larger than in Run1!

SVX Readout

SVX3 DAQ (2)


Portcard with DDRs and DOIMs

Compact Port Card Transceiver : convert low-voltage differential signals from DAQ Digital Data Receiver : Decode 5-bit commands into 10 SVX3D control and calibration Analog DDR: regulates AVDD for clean frontend operation DOIM : 8data bit + 1 data valid signal to Laser Diode Array to 9-bit parallel optical link


Radiation Dose Measured Run IIA May – Oct running Collision dominated, but losses still present Measurements found rdial and z dependence of dose Radial dependence fit to 1/R scaling = 1.6-1.7 Run IIA lifetime estimates assumed 1.5 ± 30%

DOIM Dense Optical-electrical Interface Module Transmitter Edge-emitting ridge-waveguide InGaAsP/InP laser =1550 nm 9 ch. array of 250 m pitch Receiver InGaAs/InP PIN diode CMS Ecl drivers Light range 200-800 W 53 MHz operation, duty cycle 40-60% 62.5 m multimode fiber cable Total application for SVX : 560 Spare : 140

DOIM modules TX transmitter InGaAsP/InP 1550 nm edge emitting laser RX receiver InGaAsP/InP PIN diode

Silicon Tracking Status Silicon detectors are timed in and integrate with DAQ After current shutdown expect: silicon layer on beam pipe operational > 90% of SVXII operational for tracking ~ 60% of ISL ladders operational (cooling line blockages being investigated) Measured hit resolution s ~ 19 mm before final alignment corrections Construction alignment tolerances for level 2 impact parameter trigger have been met Signal/noise as expected Unbiased residual (cm)


First Collisions

2 SVX Wedges in Commissioning Run Beam Profile s ~ 87 mm Ran with two test wedges made up of class B silicon installed without much effort at alignment, and without parallel beam Worked surprisingly well!

First Physics applications . J/y->mm with Silicon track

Top reconstruction If you could reconstruct the hadronic top, or both tops… but difficult

Tevatron Expectations SM Higgs: CDF  D Exclude MH < 180 GeV (10 fb-1/exp) 3s : MH < 180 GeV (20 fb-1/exp) 4s : MH < 125 and 150 < MH < 170 GeV (20 fb-1/exp) SUSY Higgs many of the same channels as SM, enhanced association to bb at large tanb

Precision EWK in Run 2 Mw: CDF  D Mt: CDF or D Precision measurements of top and W masses will severely constrain the mass of the Standard Model Higgs Mw: CDF  D sM ~ 35 MeV (2 fb-1/) sM ~ 20 MeV (10 fb-1/) Mt: CDF or D sM  4 GeV (2 fb-1/) sM  2 GeV (10 fb-1/)

SVX is well on its way to full commissioning Repair work during Oct 2001 shutdown is successful SVXII over 85% full functioning DOIM problem below 2% Integrating for Physics application