“You just can’t lose” OPENING BACKGROUND Hello my name is thank you for coming to this presentation. I will give you a quick run down on what the Lions Youth of the Year is about, but first a question: * Who has heard of the Lions Club? * Do you know what Lions do? (explain that Lions are volunteers who do things for other people in the community) * Who has heard about Youth of the Year? YOTY is a project that will help YOU as you prepare for your future life In this presentation, I want to show you the benefits that YOU will get from entering YOTY YOTY provides a great opportunity for young people and the motto of the Youth of the Year is:- “You just can’t lose” NEXT SLIDE “You just can’t lose”
Aims of YOTY TO FOSTER, ENCOURAGE AND DEVELOP: Leadership Personality Citizenship qualities Sportsmanship Cultural appreciation Public speaking We have identified some aims for the Youth of the Year Program These are the qualities that the Lions Club believes will help to develop you as a person and contribute to your future success. The aims of the Youth of the Year Program are to: (READ THE SLIDE) NEXT SLIDE
Filling out an Entry Form Attending an interview Making a Speech What does it involve? Filling out an Entry Form Setting out what you have done. Attending an interview A rewarding & friendly experience Making a Speech On a topic of your own choice 2 impromptu talks What does YOTY involve? There are 3 stages to the program. Each is different - and you will learn a lot from each one. YOU WILL FILL OUT THE ENTRY FORM This is like a Personal Resume. It will ask you to tell us all about you. We ask questions about what you are doing or have done. But don’t worry, they are all good questions – and it tells us about YOU. 2. THE INTERVIEW The interview is with 3 friendly people who have a lot to do with young people. They will make you relaxed and you will enjoy the experience. At some time in the future you will attend an interview for a job, TAFE or University position. Lions YOTY will give you a chance to experience what it is like – without any pressure an with very friendly people! 3. PUBLIC SPEAKING This is the part that might worry some people - but it shouldn’t Your parents, relatives and friends are very, very welcome to come to the Public Speaking session. So, you are amongst friends - and they all will be VERY supportive. There are 2 parts to the public speaking section: 2 impromptu speeches, each for a maximum of 2 minutes a 5 minute speech that you will prepare on a topic of your own choice. The speeches are a challenge, but the most rewarding part of the process. 4. COMMITMENT There are a number of levels for those who win. The winner at each level proceeds on through the Program at local and regional levels We finally get a winner from each State who compete for the National title. NEXT SLIDE
Why should I participate? Opportunities Why should I participate? Experience …. The Entry form is like a Personal Resume A chance to experience an interview Public Speaking opportunity So, why should you participate? In a word it is EXPERIENCE! You will gain a valuable insight into some of the things you will come across when you: * Apply for a position at a University * Apply for a position at a College of Further Education * Apply for a job The experience you will gain from entering YOTY will hold you in good stead It doesn’t matter what your future may be, someone will want to:- * see your Personal resumee * interview you YOTY gives you a chance to do all this (READ THE POINTS ON THE SCREEN) Remember, when listen to those who have achieved, they will talk about the “little things” making the difference. In sport they call it the “1 percenters” By entering YOTY it might just help to give you edge over another person. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having a go. NEXT SLIDE
What’s in it for me? Experience But wait there’s more……. Prizes, awards and recognition at each level. Ok then, so what’s in it for YOU? As I said a minute ago EXPERIENCE! There is a certificate presented at each level that you will put in your Personal Folder YOTY is well known and you will be surprised how many people know about it. Most levels will also have a prize that is awarded. BUT WAIT – There’s more! There are prizes at each level along the way for those who reach each level. * The State winners travel to Rotorua to attend an International Youth Camp for 10 days followed by 6 days at the locality of the National Winner. Each state winner also receives $500 spending money. * The overall winner of the National Final receives a trip to a destination of their choice to the value of $4000 with $1000 cash. * The winner of the Public Speaking section at the National Final receives a trip to a destination of their choice to the value of $2000 with $500 cash.. NEXT SLIDE
What’s the next step? Say “YES”! A Lions Member will visit you to explain the process to your parents or guardian. Now you know something about YOTY We hope you will say YES!, and have a go. When you do say YES, the following will happen You will be given an Entry Form A member of the Lions Club will come to your home and explain all about YOTY and the process to you and your parents or guardian. The Lion will tell you where and when the interview and public speaking will take place. They will answer any question you have NEXT SLIDE
Some detail … There 3 stages: Entry Form Interview Public Speaking I will now give you a little detail on what each part of the Program The Entry Form The Interview The Public Speaking NEXT SLIDE
The Entry Form fill out the Entry Form signed by parent/guardian signed by school Principal signed by you give it to a Lions Club member THE ENTRY FORM The Entry Form is very comprehensive, but don’t worry, it’s not hard to fill out. There are sections and headings for you to follow and you just fill in the details. The Entry Form will tell us about you and what you have done. You will surprise yourself when you sit down and start to work through it. When you have finished, it has to be signed by * Your parent or guardian * Your School Principal Yourself The Lions member will pick up the form and give you the final details of where it will all happen. NEXT SLIDE
The Interview 30 minutes long Get to know you General knowledge questions Great experience for the future THE INTERVIEW Goes for about 30 minutes – but the time will fly past. * you will meet a panel of judges who will be friendly and want to know all about you * the judges will chat with you and during the interview they will ask you 4 set questions. These will be on things that are currently making news, locally nationally or worldwide or they could be about other events or topics of importance. REMEMBER This interview will be very similar to what you will experience when you go for a job, a Further Education course or a University position. The experience you will gain form the interview is real bonus and will hold you in good stead for the future. NEXT SLIDE
Public Speaking At a Lions meeting or special function Parents, friends and supporters most welcome 2 impromptu questions – 2 minutes each Prepared speech – 5 minutes – on topic of your own choice. THE PUBLIC SPEAKING FUNCTION This will take place at a Lions Club meeting or a specially arranged Lions Club event, like a supper meeting. Your parents, friends, relatives and supporters are most welcome to attend. It is not as bad as it seems – and everyone in the audience is on YOUR side!! THE PUBLIC SPEAKING SECTION INVOLVES 2 impromptu speeches – for a maximum of 2 minutes each. The same 2 impromptu speeches are asked to every candidate – but you wait outside until your turn so you don’t hear the other speakers!! A prepared speech that you will prepare by you on a topic of your own choice. It can go for a maximum of 5 minutes. You cannot use any aids except a microphone – if the venue has one available. I am sure that your teachers will help you prepare for this section of the Program if you ask. NEXT SLIDE
The Journey Any journey starts with the first step. Any worthwhile journey needs commitment But it is worth the effort! So, that’s it. The challenge is there, the personal rewards are waiting for you REMEMEBER Any journey starts with the first step, but YOU must take that step. The first step is to say “yes” and have a go. The next step is filling the Entry Form and so on The winner of the Club Final will proceed to the next level. The winner of each stage moves forward until we have one finalist from each State of Australia The State Finalists will meet at the National Final in May to determine the Australian champion The State winners will receive a round Australia trip to visit each others home towns, plus spending money The national winner receives a The Public Speaking winner receives a trip BE AWARE that the journey will take effort and persistence. BUT - any journey worth taking requires commitment and effort ARE YOU READY FOR THAT CHALLENGE?? NEXT SLIDE
Take that first step and have a go! The Challenge! Take that first step and have a go! PUT YOUR HAND UP NOW! Great for experience Great for your self confidence Great for YOUR future “You just can’t lose” So GET INVOLVED Take that first step Put your hand up now YOTY is great for: * Your personal development * Your self confidence * Your future AND REMEMBER: “YOU JUST CAN’T LOSE” Thank you.