LPNHE Paris CNRS/IN2P3-Universités Paris 6&7


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Presentation transcript:

LPNHE Paris CNRS/IN2P3-Universités Paris 6&7 Hgg analysis at ATLAS M. Escalier, B. Laforge LPNHE Paris CNRS/IN2P3-Universités Paris 6&7 Status of TDR analysis Signal & background generation Kinematic variables Likelihood analysis Conclusion and outlooks Special thanks to Arthur for let me use his laptop for some update Thanks L. Fayard, G. Unal (discussion, feedback)

Status of TDR Leading Order: CTEQ 2L no K factor Pythia 5.700 ISR, FSR Atlfast 2.0 from full reconstruction

Signal/B S/√B=6.5, signal & background computed at LO

Signal Hgg VBF direct production gg fusion associated production WH,ZH,ttH

Signal pdf=CTEQ6L1 (comment of M. Spira) at Les Houches Using correction of HDecay for decay Hgg

Background Irreductible background NLO calculation using Diphox 1.2, pdf=CTEQ6M reductible background (LO Pythia), pdf=CTEQ6L1 g jet, 1 jet misidentified jet jet, 2 jets misidentified

Higgs mass resolution With Pythia/ATLFAST s=1.34 GeV Next slides: use of s of full simu TDR for window 1.4 s Mgg (GeV)

Diphox definitions Thanks J. Ph. Guillet for help with Diphox

Analysis Requirements CTEQ 6L1 pdf (LO fit), CTEQ 6M pdf for diphox (NLO) Pythia 6.210, Atlfast 2.53, Diphox 1.2 Cuts: photon candidates: pT1>40 GeV, pT2>25 GeV |h|<2.4 transition crack of |h|=1.45, Dh=0.15 considered Photon efficiency: 80% (Cf. M. Wielers) Jet rejection factor: 2900 (Cf. M. Wielers) photon Isolation cone R=0.4 ET<15 GeV In discussion (F. Derue: 1200-1600) cf. Athens 4th Atlas Worshop

Branching ratio: depends on b mass and on QCD corrections 8.5% 56% Branching ratio: Pythia: running aQED for pythia (I mean by default) HDecay: QCD corrections more relevant No corrections aQED (better because real photons q2=0) gg fusion :compatible with papers R.Harlander and W.Kilgore   Phys Rev Lett 88,201801,2002 C.Anastasiou and K.Melnikov Nucl Phys B646,220,2002 K factor 1.7-2.5 depending on higgs mass Ravindran, Smith, Van Neerven KNLO=1.76 VBF:compatible with talk of C. Oleari Total production cross-section What is the NLO Prediction ? HiGlu package (M. Spira et. al) gg fusion K=1.8 (using CTEQ6) VBF K=1.04 (using CTEQ6)

Ptgg>30 GeV likelihood analysis Problem of resummation: C. Balazs has done resummation, use/compare his soft. later Ptgg contributions TDR analysis direct   16517 onef 8510 twof 883 gg background 29000 25910 g jet 5800 6737 jet jet 4600 5916 Higgs 1283 1097 S/√B 6.5 5.59 Ptgg<30 GeV Ptgg>30 GeV likelihood analysis

Ptgg distribution fsignal fbackground

Cos q* fsignal fbackground

Likelihood ratio R Search for optimal cut

Results 8.8 6 % 8.25

Conclusion Background: Irreductible background: Use of NLO irreductible background Need resummation (but box is LO in Diphox) use Dixon calculations (L. Fayard, G. Unal) Does NNLO computation is possible ? reductible background: Know better the rejection factor (g jet) Then look for NLO computation of g jet, jet jet

Signal: gg fusion and VBF comp. at NLO (but K=f(Pt)need MC at NLO) gg fusion: Ravindran, Smith, Van Neerven KNLO is not smal (1.76), KNNLO=1.16 (use of KNNLO in the future) NNLO of VBF ? likelihood analysis:gain not so much important use neural network ? Understand background of gg jet jet with 2 tagged jets jet veto in central region