An Xray Look at Drupal 7 (OK, a look at permission machine names and some hooks.) Get Xray:
What Function Brought the Page? People admin page made possible by user_admin().
Where'd That Form Come From? The first step of your hook_form_alter() or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() already done for you: What is the form ID? (Which is also the name of the function producing the form.) Talked too much... see previous slide for picture.
Summaries on Administration Pages For instance, number of themes (enabled, disabled, hidden) and regions on admin/appearance
Permission Machine Names Drupal 7's UI shows us translatable, capitalized permission titles. Which is great until we want to make a module that uses a permission.
No, not your questions. My questions.
What other innards would you like exposed?
(Because they're boring to code.) Are summaries of blocks (enabled, disabled, in which region?), users (blocked, roles), nodes (types, status, by which users) of use/interest? (Because they're boring to code.)
Should (parts of this) be part of Devel?
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