Now Presenting… CLASS OF 2017 8th Grade Orientation
FUTURE - READY CORE COURSE OF STUDY The Goal of the Future – Ready Core is to make sure that all students will graduate prepared for post-secondary education and careers.
High School Graduation Requirements From the time you enter kindergarten, you’re getting ready for high school graduation. To make sure you are on track, remember that every high school student must meet the Course and Credit, North Carolina Graduation Project, End-of-Course Tests, Computer Skills Test, and Local requirements. • Course and Credit Requirements — Listed in the chart below and organized according to the year a student first entered high school. • Graduation Project Requirement — Successfully complete the North Carolina Graduation Project (for students who entered ninth grade in 2006-07 or later). The North Carolina Graduation Project includes four components: a research paper, a portfolio, a product and a presentation. More information is available on the Graduation Project at • End-of-Course Test Requirements — Earn passing scores on the five essential end-of-course tests: Algebra I, Biology, Civics and Economics, English I, and U.S. History (for students who entered ninth grade in 2006-07 or later). • Computer Skills Test — Earn a passing score on the Computer Skills Test. • Local Requirements — Meet any additional requirements adopted by your local board of education. FUTURE-READY CORE English 4 Credits I, II, III, IV Mathematics (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II) OR (Integrated Math I, II, III) 4th Math Course to be aligned with the student’s post high school plans At the request of a parent and with counseling provided by the school, a student will be able to opt out of this math sequence. He/she would be required to pass Algebra I and Geometry or Integrated Math I and II and two other application-based math courses. Science 3 Credits A Physical Science course, Biology, Earth/Environmental Social Studies Civics and Economics, US History, World History**** Second Language Not required for graduation. Required to meet MAR (minimum application requirements) for UNC. Computer Skills No specific course required; students must demonstrate proficiency through state testing. Health and Physical Education 1 Credit Health/Physical Education Electives or other requirements*** 6 Credits required 2 Elective credits of any combination from either: – Career and Technical Education (CTE) – Arts Education – Second Languages 4 Elective credits strongly recommended (four course concentration) from one of the following: – JROTC – Arts Education (e.g. dance, music, theater arts, visual arts) – Any other subject area (e.g. mathematics, science, social studies, English) 21 Credits plus any local requirements . **** Effective with ninth graders of 2003-2004, World History must be taken to meet the requirements of World Studies. High School Graduation Requirements 4 Credits in English English I, II, III, IV 4 Credits in Math Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or Integrated Math I, II, III 4th Math Course to be aligned with the students post high school plans 3 Credits in Science A Physical Science Course Biology Earth Environmental Science
Continuation of HS Graduation Requirements 4 Credits in Social Studies Civics and Economics American History1 American History 2 World History 1 Credit in Health and Physical Education Second Language Not required for graduation. Required to meet minimum application requirements for UNC- system.
Electives and other requirements 6 Credits required 2 Elective credits from any combination of: Career and Technical Education Arts Education World Languages 4 Elective credits strongly recommended (4 course concentration) from one of the following: JROTC Any other subject area (e.g. English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Language, Health/PE)
HIGH SCHOOL LIFE 28 units of credit needed to graduate Block / A/B schedules (90 minute class period) Example of Block 1st Sem. 2nd Sem. English I Algebra I Earth Science W. History Health/PE C. Apps. II Computer Apps I Foods I
High School Graduation Requirements Students will be required to perform at Achievement Level III or above on the following EOC tests: English 2 Common Core I Biology
EDUCATIONAL OPTIONS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL Four-Year College/University Community Colleges Career & Technical Schools Military
High School Options Durham Public Schools click the High school options… it will take you the choice website.
Traditional High Schools The first option for students is to take a look at the traditional high school in their attendance zone. The traditional high schools in DPS are: Jordan HS Southern School of Riverside HS Energy & Sustainability Hillside HS Northern HS
High School Options Josephine Dobbs Clement Early College High School (on the campus of North Carolina Central University) Opportunities for highly motivated students to complete their HS requirements and earn up to 2 years of college credit Small learning environment offering rigorous, high quality coursework with extensive support Flexibility in the school day as students attend classes on a college campus Expectation of a high degree of individual responsibility JDECHS The Josephine Dobbs Clement Early College High School (ECHS) is an innovative partnership with North Carolina Central University. Students will graduate with a high school diploma, plus up to two years of college credit toward a bachelor’s degree. ECHS is designed to substantially increase the number of minority and female students who will pursue advanced studies and careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Applications are available at the school or by contacting the Office of Student Assignment.
City of Medicine Academy Only stand alone specialized HS for health and life sciences in North Carolina Offers 28 HS credits and professional certifications in health care or college transfer courses through a partnership with DTCC Strong partnership with Duke Medicine that includes paid summer internships, clinical experiences, shadowing, mentoring and co teaching. 1:1 Technology CMA The City of Medicine Academy is an academically rigorous high school that contributes to educating future health-care professionals in preparation for meeting the ever-growing health-care needs of the community. Students graduating from the Academy are prepared for post-secondary health-care education or to enter the health-care workforce. The City of Medicine Academy’s current location on Roxboro Road places it in close proximity to Durham Regional Hospital, where students can take advantage of job-shadowing and internship opportunities. Students can earn certification in several areas while still in high school. An application and parent orientation are required. Hillside New Tech Hillside New Tech is a small high school within the Hillside High School campus. The New Tech model uses a technology-rich environment to engage students in learning. Students spend instructional time on significant projects that use real-world issues to deliver academic content. The mission of New Tech High is to create a 21st century learning environment that will ensure that every student achieves at high levels as measured by local, state and national standards and be prepared for any post-secondary endeavor. Hillside New Tech High School is an option for only those students who live in the Hillside district.
New Tech HS at Hillside Small HS patterned after the nationally known New Tech HS Model. Housed in a separate facility on the campus of a large comprehensive HS allowing students to participate in band, athletics and JROTC. Learning takes place in technology rich, collaborative classrooms Primarily a project based learning school.
Southern School of Energy & Sustainability All students attending SSES will select one of four small schools in which to complete his/her requirements Students focus on the integration of STEM to solve real world problems and receive additional subject concentration specific to their school Students will benefit from a smaller more intimate HS environment School of Biomedical Technology School of Business Mgmt and Sustainability School of Computer and Technology Engineering School of Infrastructure Engineering
Durham School of the Arts Specialized visual and performing arts secondary school for grades 6-12 focused on rigorous academics and excellence in visual and performing arts Traditional yearlong classes with a 7 period schedule Full selection of standard and honors classes including 18 AP classes All HS students declare an arts concentration- chorus, band, guitar, strings, piano, guitar, dance, theater, etc.
Creative Studies and Design Academy (Accepting students in grades 6, 7, 9 for the first year) The School for Creative Studies is a small school established for grades 6-12 that operates on a year-round calendar. The school and classroom environments are collaborative in nature and designed to prepare students for a thriving creative economy. Program of study features a variety of options for students to customize their creative education. Coursework selections may include media and broadcasting, film making, documentary studies, writing and journalism, architecture, interior, or landscape design, graphic design and marketing, and other creative areas for which there is demand in the job market
International Baccalaureate at Hillside HS A high quality program of international coursework developed and authorized by world renowned IB Organization. The IB programme is designed to develop the intellectual, personal, emotional, and social skills to learn, live and work in a globalizing world. Rigorous yet balanced college prep coursework culminating in a series of exams which may earn students college credits
REMINDERS January 12, 2013 10-1 Choice School Fair @ Southern HS February 1st – February 2oth Magnet / Year-Round Application Window February 20 Applications Due