Fig. 8. Response to aromatase inhibitor and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor in metastatic hormone receptor+, HER2 negative breast cancer. In this 29-year-old woman, baseline coronal CT (A) demonstrates multiple liver metastases (arrow). Follow-up coronal contrast-enhanced CT (B) demonstrates decreased size of multiple liver lesions (arrow) representing response to treatment. HER2 = human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 Fig. 8. Response to aromatase inhibitor and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor in metastatic hormone receptor+, HER2 negative breast cancer. In this 29-year-old woman, baseline coronal CT (A) demonstrates multiple liver metastases (arrow). Follow-up coronal contrast-enhanced CT (B) demonstrates decreased size of multiple liver lesions (arrow) representing response to. . . Korean J Radiol. 2017 Jan-Feb;18(1):28-41.