Hands on Developmental Math Activities to Take Home By Christopher King Jennifer Gorman
BACKGROUND Trying to find a path for students placing below our lowest developmental math course(Beginning Algebra) Tried to avoid additional coursework Created a Beginning Algebra Course in two new formats: Beginning Algebra with Lab Stretch Beginning Algebra
FORMAT OF BEGINNING ALGEBRA WITH LAB Students are in a regular 3-credit Beginning Algebra class. Students are co-registered in Beginning Algebra Lab to help supplement their skills for the Beginning Algebra class. The lab meets once a week for 3 hours. The setup of the lab is to supplement with material that students need for the upcoming lesson and remediate material that students may have not understood in class.
FORMAT OF BEGINNING ALGEBRA (5 CREDIT) Students register for a 5 credit Beginning Algebra class. The course covers the material in Beginning Algebra and remediates with material from Pre-Algebra as needed. Students have more time in class which allow the instructor to move at slower pace and do activities.
GOAL See which format works best. Test out activities to see if they better student learning.
ACTIVITIES FROM LAB COURSE M&M’s Activities Percentage Activity Notation Activity Slope Activity Solving System of Equations Slime Lab (Playdoh Activity)
Questions: Contact Chris King christopher.king@csn.edu Jennifer Gorman jennifer.gorman@csn.edu Copy of PowerPoint and activities http://sites.csn.edu/cking