Teknik Kendaraan Ringan TRANSMISION Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Semester 3 th Class XI Kompetensi Kejuruan SK-KD 8TH
MEKANISME PERUBAH MOMENT Transmission is used to overcome this by changing the ratio of gear, to: Changing moment Changing the speed of vehicles Allows the vehicle to move backwards Allows the vehicle when the engine still alive (neutral position)
PERBANDINGAN GIGI B = = A Comparison of gear can be calculated with the formula : drive B GR = Gear Ratio GR = = Driven A
PERBANDINGAN GIGI In there are two sets of transmission gears, to get round the input shaft and output shaft are in line At forward GR = Gear Ratio
PERBANDINGAN GIGI At retreat To move towards the back, the transmission gear is added Idle gear, to get round inputshaft and output shaft in the opposite
KONSTRUKSI TRANSMISI Below is described the construction of transmission used in vehicles. In this transmission for all speed synchromesh forward to use, while for the back using the mechanisms Sleedingmesh
GEAR SHIFT CONTROL MECHANISM Dirct control Direct benefits type: * Removal of teeth more quickly * The transfer is softer and easier * Mover position can be identified easily
GEAR SHIFT CONTROL MECHANISM Remote control type In this type of switching lever apart from tansmisi. Shift control is located on the floor or on the steering column
TYPE OF TRANSMISION Sliding mesh type Selective gear transmission Constant mesh type Synchromesh type Fluid type ( fully hydraulic ) Automatic transmission Electric type ( Electronic Control Transmission ) CVT ( Continous Variable Transmission )
MEKANISME PERPINDAHAN GIGI Slidingmesh type In this type of move the shift arm acceleration gear directly attached to the main spline shaft to connect and disconnect between the acceleration of the gear counter gear
MEKANISME PERPINDAHAN GIGI Constantmesh type In this type of play is always associated with the gear teeth on the counter shaft, main gear is equipped with gear dogs which will be connected with the sleeve attached to the output shaft. Shift arm sleeve to move the round transfers from main gear to the main shaft
MEKANISME PERPINDAHAN GIGI Synchromesh type This type has the advantage of subtle movement of teeth, Synchromesh works to equalize wheel - gear that will relate to how to brake .
KONSTRUKSI SYNCHROMESH Clutch spline hub mounted on main shaft and there are 3 fruit flow to installation shifting key (insert) Sleeve mounted on clutch hub spline and groove on the sleeve is connected to the shift arm Shifting key (Insert) mounted on the clutch hub and the key held by the end of spring and key shifting into the gap Synchronizer ring. Synchronizer ring located between the clutch hub and the dog gear bebentuk cone, Synchronizer ring has three shifting line for placement of key
CARA KERJA SYNCHROMESH The first stage Hub sleeve pushing the top of the key shifting, shifting key to encouraging Synchronizer ring gear associated with the dog. Synchronizer ring so come round The second stage Hub sleeve with a strong push from the blocker ring chamfer, And Blocker gear ring cause the dog pressed the play speed acceleration of the teeth with swivel speed hub sleeve Third stage Hub sleeve continues to move to the right and flow - the hub sleeve groove associated with dog tooth gear on acceleration
MEKANISME PENCEGAH GIGI LONCAT Pada poros pemindah Shift shaft has three shift detent groove in which ball will be forced by the spring when the transmission is positioned in neutral gear Shift detent mechanism serves to prevent tooth kemabli to neutral and to convince drivers that have been associated gear Pada hub sleeve Flow - the flow on the hub sleeve has a pointed shape associated with the dog teeth gear acceleration. To prevent tooth jump
DOUBLE MESHING PREVENTION MECHANISM Prevention mechanism dual relationship of some use transmissi Interlock ball & pin. Which consists of a pin and 4 Interlock Interlock ball fruit When shifted At the time of entry gear shifter is one of the rod will move and cause the Interlock ball & pin lock the other shifter
TRANSFER Function: Continued strength of the transmission to turn the propeller shaft front and rear Changing the moment when it needs a big moment In general, the transfer used on all four wheels of vehicles used as cogs / FOUR WHEEL DRIVE (4 WD) Kind of Transfer : Part time Full time
TRANSFER Components Low speed input gear High & low clutch hub sub assembly High speed input gear Transfer idler gear Transfer output rear shaft Transfer output gear Transfer front drive clutch hub sub – assembly Transfer output front shaft
TRANSFER How to work At 2 H
TRANSFER How to work At 4 H
TRANSFER How to work At 4 L
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Step 1 Chasis and Power Train, Toyota Astra Motor Step 2 Chasis and Power Train, Toyota Astra Motor
Presented by Didin Saepudin SMK Negeri 1 Magelang