Green Entrepreneurship support programme Giorgio Mosangini – Team Leader Green Entrepreneurship
Green Entrepreneurship Support Strategy
Innovative Training Methodology
Training Programme 1,575 Green Entrepreneurs selected and trained (80 workshops) out of 4,000 applicants
Profiles of the trainees -by sex- As a reference, in the MENA Region: 13% of firms owned by women 24% women’s labour force participation
Profiles of the trainees -age groups- 49% 46% 16-29 30-54 over 55
Profiles of the trainees Waste Management (27%) Profiles of the trainees -by sectors- Organic Food (25%) Renewable Energies (18%) Others: (<5% each): sustainable building, eco-tourism, sustainable clothing, sustainable mobility…
154 green businesses Tunisia (22%) Egypt (14%) Israel (14%) Morocco (13%) Lebanon (11%) Algeria (10%) Jordan (8%) Palestine (8%) Waste Management (27%) Renewable Energies (19%) Organic Food (15%) Sustainable Building (7%) Sustainable Tourism (6%) Sustainable Textile (5%) Organic cleaning prod. (5%) Sustainable Mobility (2%) Sustainable Furniture (3%) 154 green businesses 31% of women
Incubation Programme
Incubation services
Incubated Green Entrepreneurs Tasneem Abu Hijleh PALESTINE E-waste dismantling facility to connect e-waste generators in Palestine and e-waste recycling companies abroad (Europe, Asia…) Khaoula Remmal MOROCCO Revalorize organic waste creating cleaner electricity and heat and enhancing the connection between the rural and the industrial sector
Incubated Green Entrepreneurs
150 Green Entrepreneurs already in the community 150 Green Entrepreneurs already in the community
THANK YOU Giorgio Mosangini - SwitchMed Programme is funded by the European Union