Math Expressions Interactive Whiteboard Lessons Danielle Rau Jan. 18th, 2016
How-To: Step 1: Visit Think-Central ( and log on (school, grade level - some schools may share logins & passwords) If you are unsure of your login and/or password email Emilie Schiff (
Dashboard Select grade Click on orange interactive whiteboard lessons to download You must have Smart Notebook Interactive Viewer downloaded onto your computer for this to open. Your school tech can download this for free on your computer.
Create a shortcut to your desktop Copy the address from the address bar in your web browser. Go to your desk top and right-click then hover over 'new‘. Select 'shortcut' and paste the shortcut. Click 'next‘, label your shortcut, and then click 'finish'.
Interactive Whiteboard Lessons Select Unit Select lesson Download lesson – opens up in smart notebook interactive viewer, click on downloaded lesson to open as shown below
Interactive White Board Lessons cont. Can have up to 4 parts depending on lesson (explore, model, apply, classify) Kindergarten Unit 3 Lesson 12, Kindergarten Unit 3 Lesson 13, Kindergarten Unit 3 Lesson 16 Tools at top of Smart Notebook Interactive Viewer If your lesson has math manipulatives (counters, break apart stick, number tiles, math mountain, number parade, 1-20 board etc) they will be under the model slide To use manipulatives - drag and drop using computer mouse or Epson white board pen Allow students to use pen to make it interactive – can be touchy sometimes and younger students may need help To clear screen use broom icon To delete just 1 item drag it into trash can
Example of using drawing pen tool (new vocab)
Student Activity Book Back on Dashboard, select student activity book (make shortcut on desktop) Choose flash ebook Type in page number Use tools on top if needed Great for getting started on worksheet Great for doing unit review tests whole group (use slide to cover up questions not asked yet)
Teacher Edition On level Challenge Homework answers on or off (a at top)