Thea,Kate and Alex ottowa
Location In Michigan….Mostly along the shores In the USA….In Michigan and Ontario
Type of house… Wigwam Materials… Birch bark, sticks and lots of other materials Description.. Small, brown and hard Homes and Shelter
CLOTHING tunic, pants and tops Dresses, skirts and tops Animal skin and beads Dark, long and feathered hat Dresses, skirts and tops Also animal skin and beads Long and dirty
food Fish , animal meat , fruit & veggies, and make stew from the things they hunt. Are tribe went across the lake and hunted for deer. They put traps in the lake to catch fish. Picked them from trees , bushes and the ground.
ROLES OF MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN The women built baskets ,wigwams and cooked food that the men hunt for. The men hunted for food and setting animal traps. The kids helped their parents depending on if their boys or girls.
SPEICIAL SKILLS They traded food clothes and land They made fish hooks , baskets out of birch bark , clothes made of animal skin , paint made out of berries and many more things. SPEICIAL SKILLS
INTERESTING INFORMATION What clothes did they wear? Mostly animal skin and beads. 2.What did they hunt for? Deer and other animals. 3. Was it hard to build a wigwam? To us yes to them no.