Welcome to Back to School Night 2017 - 2018
Teaching at Council Rock (29th year) Anne Marie Owings Education Council Rock graduate West Chester University, B.S. Education Rider University, M.A. School Counseling Teaching at Council Rock (29th year) 1988-1996 Churchville Elementary (grades 6 and 5) 1996-2008 Newtown Elementary (grade 5 and counselor) 2008-2015 Wrightstown Elementary (grades 6 and 5) 2015- present Newtown Elementary (grade 5)
The Animal School Once upon a time the animals decided they must do something heroic to meet the problems of the “new world, “ so they organized a school.
They adopted an activity curriculum consisting of running, climbing, swimming, and flying. To make it easier to administer, all animals took all the subjects.
The duck was excellent in swimming- in fact, better than his instructor; but he made only passing grades in flying and was very poor in running. Since he was slow in running, he had to stay after school and also drop swimming in order to pass running. This was kept up until his web feet were badly worn, so then he was only average in swimming. But average was acceptable in school, so no one worried about that except the duck.
The rabbit started at the top of the class in running, but he had a nervous breakdown because of so much make up work in swimming.
The squirrel was excellent in climbing until he developed frustration in flying class, where the teacher made him start from the ground instead of from the treetop down. He also developed “charley- horses” from overexertion and then got a “C” in climbing and a “D” in running.
The eagle was a problem child and was severely disciplined The eagle was a problem child and was severely disciplined. In the climbing class he beat all others to the top of the tree, but he insisted in using his own way to get there.
At the end of the year, an abnormal eel that could swim exceedingly well and could also run, climb, and fly a little had the highest average and was valedictorian. Written by: Dr. G.H. Reaves, Assistant Superintendent. Cincinnati Public Schools (Copied from ‘Mississippi Vocational News’ January 1965)
Student Expectations Prepared & ready to learn Homework completed Work independently Work in cooperative groups Positive & Respectful
Social & Emotional Learning Social Skills Respect Responsibility Cooperation Sportsmanship College Settlement (details will be coming soon!)
Homework Policy 20 minutes reading 4 nights Study notes daily Approximately 40 – 60 minutes per night Homework is posted to my website
SOCIAL STUDIES Harcourt: Geography Explorers Colonial Times Pre-revolutionary Times
MATH Numeration Multiplication/Division Fractions Decimals & Percents EnVision: Numeration Multiplication/Division Fractions Decimals & Percents Probability Ratio Geometry Problem Solving: PAT – Performance Assessment Tasks First in Math: Practice Enrichment
MATH - FLEXIBLE GROUPS Standards Based Curriculum We use Problem Solving Practices, Envision, Additional Resources, Weekly Math Clinic FOCUSED and TARGETED! Differentiated Learning based on Student Needs
HOW IT WORKS: Students will be grouped across ALL 6 fifth grade classrooms Grouped according to a student’s learning needs related to the specific standard and concepts taught for that quarter All 5th graders learn the SAME curriculum and are assessed on the SAME priority standards Flexible groups are re-evaluated and can change every marking period
Writing Process Writing Genre: Prewrite Draft Revise Edit Publish Narrative Descriptive Persuasive Expository Research
Reading Workshop Journeys: Comprehension Word recognition Word study Reading responses Home Reading: Read an average of 20 minutes each night Reading slips are to be initialed by parent daily
Homework Policy Students write homework in planner daily Complete all written work neatly, in pencil Proofread all work Study notes each night If not completed, fill out M.A.S. form and complete at recess/home
Fifth Grade ‘Lingo’ MAS-Missing Assignment Sheet IDR-Independent Reading PAT- Performance Assessment Task
Parent Communication AOwings@crsd.org Test folders will be sent home weekly 215-944-2338 (voicemail) Class website http://www.crsd.org/Domain/2917
Conferences Student-led Online sign up Begins 9/15 @9 AM Email will be sent with link
HR Parents Diana Cohen and Nicole Schaaf
Have a great evening! Thank you! Please read the letter from your children Write them a note back if you have time Thank you!